17. The Fight Begins

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Time skip
5:25 pm

Matteo woke up to the sound of shuffling and walking around in the room. As he started to wake up he did a whine before he pulled the covers over his face. Matteo soon heard footsteps coming closer to him, he didn't think much of it since he was tired and half asleep. As soon as Matteo was about to fall back asleep he felt a hand on his back rubbing it. "Hey bug. Let's start to try and wake up. You can sleep after dinner. Ok kiddo?" The familiar voice said. Matteo turned on his side to face the person, he soon opened his eyes and saw Nat.

Matteo gave Nat a little smile before he let out a loud yawn. Nat smiled before she sat down on the bed next to Matteo "There's little bug. How was your nap?" She asked as she caressed Matteo's cheek. The young boy did a little sniffled "good.." he said with tiredness in his voice still. Nat helped Matteo sit up on the bed so he could wake up a bit more "That's good buggy. Hey now that your awake how about we get you changed into some new clothes. I'm sure Cooper has clothes that don't fit him anymore." Nat said as she now rubbed Matteo's head. Matteo did a little nod before he opened his arms out for Nat to carry him, Nat smiled at him before she got up from the bed as she then picked up Matteo.

As the two of them left the guest room they where met up with Laura. "Oh hey guys. Did you sleep well Matteo?" Laura asked as she looked at the little boy in Nat's arms. Matteo nodded before he laid his head on Nat's shoulder. Nat smiled at him before she looked at Laura "Hey do you have any clothes that could fit Matteo?" She asked as the patted Matteo's bum. Matteo looked at her before he looked down the hallway and seen picture frames on the wall, he zoned out and just looked at them. As Matteo was looking at the picture frames and seen the photos he did a little smile. 'I wonder when Bubby and Sissy are back with me maybe we could get photos together like bubbys small photo he carries of with us' Matteo thought to himself before he was tapped out of his thoughts.

"Hey whats going on in that little head of yours bug?" Nat asked as she patted Matteo's bum. Matteo looked at her "nothing just thinking of Bubby and Sissy.." Matteo said before he looked at her. Nat hummed in response before Laura came out of Coopers room with clothes for Matteo "here's something for Matteo, these clothes are too small for Cooper. They should do the trick." Laura stated as she gave the clothes to Nat. "Thank you Laura, we'll see you downstairs in a bit then." Nat said as she then turned back to the spare room. "No problem see you guys downstairs." Laura stated as she left to go downstairs. As Nat entered the guest room she closed the door and put Matteo down.

Matteo walked over to the bed, he then got in bed and just looked at Nat. Nat looked at him before she looked at the clothes that Laura gave to her. "Hm. Let's put you in these sweats so you can stay warm. Along with this red sports shirt." She said as she laid the clothes out on the bed next to Matteo. The young boy looked at the clothes that where laid out on the bed for him, he then looked at Nat before he did a huff. "Ok now do you need help? Or do you want to change by yourself?" Nat asked as she crossed her arms. Matteo looked down at the clothes before he looked back at Nat "mysewf." Matteo said as he then got up from the bed. Nat smiled before she nodded "ok well I'll go downstairs then, come down when your done ok?" She said as she then walked out the room closing the door behind her. Matteo did a little nod before he then started to get himself changed.

Right as Matteo got changed he did a little smile, he then walked out of the room and started to head downstairs. Right as Matteo was on the first step of the stairs he heard little feet patter behind him. "Mattie!" The voice called out behind him. Matteo turned around and seen Lila "oh. Hewo Lila." Matteo said as he smiled at her. "I made something for you! Well actually Cooper helped me make it but! Here you go!" She said as she then handed Matteo what she and Cooper made. "Hm?.. what's dis?" He asked as he then looked at Lila. "It's a friendship bracelet! See! Look me and Cooper both have one too!" She said as she held up her wrist to show her White and Blue stringed bracelet. Matteo looked at her bracelet then looked at his, he then started to feel tears burn up "t-thank you." He said before he looked at Lila.

Lila smiled before she went and hugged Matteo "it's ok Mattie. You're our best friend! We care about you!" She said before she looked at Matteo. The Maximoff smiled before he wiped his tears away "thank you. For being my b-best F-Fwiend." He said before he then heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Both the 8 year olds looked at who was coming up the stairs, the both looked at Clint coming up. "Hey guys. We where just about to get you. It's time to eat dinner. After dinner you guys can go play ok?" Clint stated. "Ok daddy! Come on Mattie! Let's go!! After dinner let's color!!" Lila stated as she then ran downstairs while pulling Matteo. "Lila! Careful! He's smaller than you!!" Clint yelled out before she sighed and shook his head "kids." He talked to himself before walking down the stairs following the kids.

After dinner

Matteo was sitting next to Lila and Cooper at the kids coloring table. The three of them where coloring and drawing and doing small talk. "Hey Mattie when's your birthday??" Lila asked as she looked at Matteo who was drawing a walrus. "Uhh.. Decembwr 31st." Matteo said as he then looked at Lila. "Woah! Cool! Your born on New Year's Eve!!" Lila said as she then looked over at Cooper with a big smile. "N-New Ywears Eve?.." Matteo asked with a confused look. "Yeah! Wait do you not know what that is??" She asked. Matteo shook his head but as he then started to go ahead and start to finish up his drawing. Cooper smiled at them before he then went and started to continue his reading.

As they where coloring and reading Matteo looked down at his bracelet on his left hand. He had Laura put it on him, he wanted to have her tie it to where it doesn't come off since he knew it would probably fall of while he would probably do more of his powers. As the kids did there own thing Matteo tried to also tune out the adults talking. As he did he noticed Lila get up and run over to Nat to give her the butterfly drawing the made. Matteo smiled before he noticed the weird guy with the eyepatch look at him then the adults. Matteo felt fear creep up his spine but he didn't do anything but continue to color.

Before he knew it Lila and Cooper had to go up to bed for their bed time. "Goodnight Mattie!" Lila said as she gave him a hug. "Goodnight Mat!" Cooper said as he too gave Matteo a hug. "Good n-night Lia. Goodnight C-Coop!" Matteo said as he then watched Laura take the two kids up to their rooms for bed. Matteo did a little sigh before he then took out the drawing he made for the twins. He stated at the 3 stick figures standing out in front of a house. Matteo smiled a bit before he then folded it up and put it his sweatpants pocket.

Right as he did that he felt a hand on his shoulder "hey bug. We gotta get going." Nat stated as she looked down at the young boy sitting at the kids table. "Oh.. otay.." he said as he then yawned a bit. Nat smiled at him before she went ahead and picked up Matteo "ok. You can sleep on the way to the place your going with Bruce." She said as she then started to head out to the quinjet. Matteo nodded before he laid his head on her shoulder. As Nat was walking out to the quinjet and decided to try to talk to Matteo to cheer him up a bit. "So how was staying out here with Clint's Family?" Nat asked the young boy. "Good. I'm going to miss it h-here." He said before he looked at her. "Hm. Well we can visit again soon. So then you can play with Lila and Cooper again." Nat said before she patted matteos bum. "Yeah! They are my friends! They gave me a bracelet s-see!" He said cheerfully as she held his wrist out. "I see! That's cool!" Nat said as she smiled at Matteo.

Matteo smiled brightly as he then seen them get in the quinjet. Nat then went ahead and settled matteo down on the small little bed in the quinjet. "Ok. Now you should get rest. It's going to be a long day tomorrow. So get some shut eye bug. I'll be here ok?" Nat stated as she then kneeled down. "O-otay Nat.." the Maximoff said as he then laid down on the bed. Nat smiled as she then tucked Matteo in "goodnight bug." Nat said in a soft voice as she then got up to go and help takeoff. "N-night Nat.." Matteo said as he then started to go ahead and try to get some shut eye. Nat smiled at Matteo as she went ahead to go sit next to Clint to help him takeoff.

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