49. Hearing

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Day 15 after Thanos snapped
1 week later

Matteo was sitting in the dinning room at the table with a sketchbook and crayons all spread out on the table. Matteo has been nonstop coloring for the past hour ever since he woke up from his nightmare. And that's been since 4:30 in the morning and it was currently 7:23.

Matteo held onto Rex with his right hand while he lazily colored in his sketchbook with his left. As he was coloring in his drawing he drew he was greeted by Steve walking into the room. "Oh. Hey bud. I didn't expect to see you out here." Steve said as he soon walked over and ruffled Matteo's hair and now going into the kitchen. Matteo just let out a small hum before he sniffled and continued to color. "Hm. I'm assuming you didn't sleep very good. Due the the fact your coloring in a lazy way." Steve acknowledge as he started to make some coffee. Matteo put down the crayon and looked over at Steve with a tired look. "And I guess I found my answer. How long where you up for? Did you have another nightmare bud?" Steve asked as he soon walked over while his coffee started to get made.

Matteo let out a small huff and just looked at Steve before he soon just nodded at him. "I thought I told you to either come wake me or Nat up if you have a nightmare.." he said before he sighed. "Now.. how long where you up for?" Steve asked as he soon put his hand on Matteo's cheek. Matteo just looked down at Rex before he gave Steve a pleading look, he then slowly held up four fingers. Steve just looked at him before he dropped his head and shook it a bit. "Let's worry about cleaning up later. But now let's go bring you up to bed again. This time with Natty. She will help you sleep better since I have to go out." Steve stated. Matteo let out a whine before he slapped Steve's shoulder weakly. "Oh I know I know. I'm so mean." Steve stated as he soon started to head up to Nat's room.

Right as he made it to her door he knocked, it took a couple of minutes but Nat came and opened the door. She looked as if she just woke up "Steve.. what is it?..Hm? Oh. He bug.." Nat yawned out before she soon started to rub the tiredness out of her eyes. "Sorry for waking you. But Mister here has been awake since 4 am due to another nightmare." Steve stated as he soon started to slowly rub Matteo's back. Matteo just hugged Rex close to him as he looked away from both their gazes. Nat just let out a sigh "Well..It's a good thing we don't really do anything..now come on bug. Let's get a bit more shut eye." Nat stated as she soon took Matteo out of Steve's grasp. Matteo just whined before he tried to wiggle out of Nat's grasp "hey hey.. shhh it's ok. I'll be with you bug. Don't worry." Nat cooed as she soon started to hold Matteo better. Steve just smiled sadly at them before he started to leave "well. I'll see you guys later on then. Sweet dreams kid." Steve said as he soon ruffled Matteo's hair and left.

Nat just smiled before she soon walked back into her room closing the door behind her. Matteo let out another whine before he soon started to wiggle out of Nat's grasp again. Nat just held him as she soon put the both of them now laying in bed. Right as she let go of Matteo Matteo just got out of bed and stood still holding Rex tightly. Natasha sighed before she soon sat up leaning against the headboard. "You gonna tell me what's nothing you bug? I cant help you if you don't tell me or even write it." Nat said as she looked at the small 10 year old.

Matteo just stared at her before he soon looked down at the bed. He then took a shaky breath before he looked at Nat "I-I keep s-seeing m-mama die..and t-then I see them a-again..I don't wanna k-keep seeing them anymore..They keep telling me I-I killed mama!.." Matteo said before he soon started to cry. Nat furrowed her eyebrows before she soon crawled over and grabbed Matteo bringing him into a hug. "Shhh... you didn't kill anyone buggy.. those mean people are lying.." Nat said as she soon started to rub Matteo's back. "M-mamas d-dead.." Matteo cried out as he soon started to cling onto Nat. "Shhh.. shhh.. she's not dead.. I promise..she's just off of this world buggy.. she'll be back when she finished her mission along with everyone else.." Nat said as she thought it could help Matteo out and not have him think she's dead.

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