66. This is Halloween!!

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The next day
August 27th 2023
11:46 am

Matteo woke up to the sound of yelling from next door, he soon did a groan before he soon tossed over on his side wanting more sleep. As the boy finally found himself slowly starting to drift back asleep he soon heard a knock on the front door. Matteo did a sigh before he got out of bed and yawned knowing he won't get back to sleep any time soon. Before he was about to go ahead and go and head downstairs he soon heard Agatha open the door, so he stood by his door and listened in by turning his hearing aids up.

"Oh! Hello boys! I wasn't expecting to see the both of you here!" Agatha said in a cheerful voice. "Me and Billy wanted to know if your son can come play with us for a little bit! Also our mom wanted to know if he could come trick or treating with us too!" Tommy asked. The 12 year old scrunched his face with confusion before he soon remembered the two boys from yesterday with the dog. God he felt bad for them along with the dog. "Oh. That sounds nice! But Mattie went out with his father to go get his costume for tonight. But I'll have him head over later when he gets back!" Agatha stated. "Okay! Thank you!" Billy spoke before Matteo soon heard the door shut. The boy soon took this as his time to head downstairs.

Right as he made it downstairs he looked over to see Agatha sitting at the table with a cup of coffee in her hand while she read a book. Matteo wanted to greet her like he usually would every morning, but today he just didn't feel like talking at all. Just as if he was mute which confused him. But he decided to go ahead and shake off his feelings and go walk over to her. "Morning to you too." Agatha said as she now notice the boy walk in and start to get a bowl of cereal out for him. Matteo looked at her before he waved and continued making himself breakfast. The woman raised a brow at him before she looked into his mind to see what was going on. Right as she found out about him going Mute yet again she soon nodded to herself and just continued with her business.

Right as Matteo sat down at the dinner table he then started to eat his breakfast. "So." Agatha started. Which made the boy look up at her as he chewed his food. "The next door neighbors want you to join them later today to go trick or treating with them." She said before she placed her book down and gave him her attention. Matteo placed his spoon down and soon started to sign. 'I can go with them?' He signed. Agatha nodded her head "yes you can. But we need to get you a good costume that can cover your face." She said. Matteo nodded his head before he looked at her 'I can go as ghost?' He signed her a costume idea. Agatha hummed at his idea before she snapped her finger at the idea that popped up in her head. "Your going as a Warlock" she said which made the boy look at her really confused.

Agatha just shook her head before she soon stood up. "Stand." She said as she tried to think about how to lay out the costume with her magic. Matteo just sighed as he soon stood up and looked at her. Agatha soon started to do her magical thing by making a costume out of thin air apear onto the mute kid. Right as Agatha got the layout done she soon tilted her head as she seen the costume. "Hmm. It looks good. But not good enough..." she said as she snapped her fingers to make the boys hair fixed up along with some makeup for around his eyes. "Now we're talking. That's it! Now go ahead and go look at yourself in the mirror my sorcerer." She said with a smirk before she went ahead to go downstairs in the basement.

Matteo looked at his cereal before sighed heavily, he then went ahead and left the bowl on the table before he went up to his room to go look at himself in his mirror. As the boy closed his bedroom door he soon looked at himself in the mirror. The 12 year old jumped a bit once he finally seen how he looked. His wavy natural longish hair was now really curly and really short. The boy soon looked at his face to see his upper part of his face was only in makeup. Around his eyes he noticed the black eyeshadow that seemed to be only around his eyes and really messy, which it kind of reminded him of something or someone but he couldn't really remember. The only thing he didn't like was his face was really pale looking along with the many scars on his face.

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