41. Breaking Free

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7 months later
July 6th

Junior was sitting in a empty room, he was sitting in the middle of the room looking down at the ground staring off into nothingness. The 10 year old didn't seemed to have anything going on, all he ever though about was when his next mission was or if he was going to get beaten up again. Even though he was 10 years old he felt trapped his mind, he didn't get any sort of comfort all he ever got was neglect and beatings. All the child wanted was to be loved by his Papa and to be told he did great. That's all he ever wanted, he felt empty and alone all the time.

Junior soon seen the door swing open. Right as he looked up he seen Malik give him a disappointing look before he went over and grabbed him by the hair. "O-ow! Papa!" Junior blurted out. Malik then dragged the short 10 year old out of the room and started to take him to the glass cage. Once Malik got to the room he picked Junior up and threw him into the glass chamber. Junior grunted and trembled, he then looked at Malik and seen the bone trembling smirk. "Switch." Malik stated which soon sent shivers down the young boys spine. "It's time for your mission. But first we need to give you more power." Malik blurted out. "No." The youngster blurted out. "I want asking." Malik blurted out before he soon turned the shocking into the glass cage. Junior yelled in pain before he fell on the ground. Malik soon started to laugh before he turned the shocking off. "Now. I want you to go retrieve the toxic liquid which is in Ohio." Malik stated.

Junior soon stood up and looked down at his black hands and nodded. "I need words Junior!" Malik blurted out. "Yes papa.." Junior stated before he looked up and seen Malik with a wicked smile. "Good boy. Now go get ready." Malik blurted out before he unlocked the glass cages door. Junior soon grinned his teeth before he left the glass cage. Right as he was walking over to the room with all the equipment he looked down and seen a small photograph that was in the trashcan. Junior furrowed his eyebrows before he soon went and picked up the small picture. Right when he was looking at the photo he seen the family of 5. The boy soon felt a warm but small connection click, before he knew it he looked up and seen a corpse that's been haunting him for the past 7 months.

The boy gasped before he turned away from the corpse. "Buddy. Break free. For you Bubby. Please." The corpse said. Junior looked back at the corpse and soon looked down at the photo. He then looked back up at the corpse and seen a teenager who had white hair, the teenager gave him a small sad smile. "Break free for your Bubby. You can do it my buddy. Do it for papa.." the teenager said before he soon kissed Juniors head then disappeared. The boy had tears rolling down his cheeks, he then looked down at the photo and seen the older boy in the photo. "Bubby.." junior said quietly. Right then and there the boy soon started to get a wave of memories of Pietro and his family from Sokovia, along with the hydra experiments he went under when he was younger. The boy grunted then gripped at his head.

Right when the memories came back he looked down at the photo again and looked down at his hands. "I-I am M-Matteo..and my B-Bubby is dead..mama and papa died..to s-stark.." he stated before then looked at the photo one last time. "Bubby died..in Sokovia along with mama and papa.." he said sadly before he looked at the girl in the photo. He was confused before he soon put the photo in his pocket. Matteo had gotten his memories back of his family but only of His Mama, Papa and Brother. He still yet to know about Wanda or the avengers still. But there was one thing for sure that the 10 year old was going to do, and that was break free and kill the whole Code H.

Right as Matteo walked into the hallway he was met with guards who gave him a glare. "Hey! Junior! Get back to work!" One guard stated. "No!" Matteo blurted out before he soon sent a blast of purple energy at the guards. Matteo stood there in shock before he looked down at his hands what where now forming purple wisps. Matteo swallowed the lump in his throat before he felt anger and rage form all through him. He then started to dash around the small Code H base and started to kill everyone.

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