68. "You didn't see that coming"

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As Matteo was standing in the alleyway waiting for Agatha he soon felt the little switch in his head flip again. But it seemed painful, he soon screamed out in pain before he fell on his knees and held his head. "UGH!" He grunted out in pain. As he was in pain he soon heard a little familiar voice in his head, well three actually. '(Buddy. Come on! Dig deep! You can do it!)' '(come on my baby teo!)' '(you can break free! My strong boy!)' Matteo soon teared up from the pain and voices and let out another scream. He knew his parents and brother where watching him, but he couldn't get out of this painful curse. 'Come on bug! I believe in you! Keep going! Don't give up!' He heard the familiar voice. Before he knew it his eyes started to glow white "I-I... a-am mighty... I-I am.. a-a Maximoff!" Matteo screamed out before he finally got his painful curse somewhat manageable. He soon stood up and looked down at his hands that where glowing as well. He then smirked to himself before he soon looked around. "I got to get back to Wanda!" He said urgently before he soon started to run back to where he knew they were at.

With Agatha and Wanda

Agatha was held the twins by the throat with her magic as she looked at Wanda who was trying to figure out a way to get her kids back. Agatha smirked before pulled back on the restraints making the twins choke a bit before releasing them slowly. "I know what you are." She blurted out to Wanda. All Wanda could do was get flashbacks to when her and Pietro where in hydra while Matteo's screams could be heard throughout the base. She couldn't do anything about it and it made her go crazy, but now she knew she had her redemption by figuring out a way to save her boys.

"It's okay baby.. It's okay." She said to her boys who just looked at her with fear. "You have no idea how dangerous you are." Agatha blurted out as the boys stood there helplessly. "Heck! Your supposed to be a myth. A being capable of spontaneous creation!" Agatha went on leaving Wanda looking at her confused. "And yet here you are. To make breakfast for dinner!" Agatha stated. "Let go of my children!" Wanda said as she held her wisps in her hands looking at the witch. "Oh yes. Your children. And yet after all that trauma dumping we went through. You have still yet to talk or even mention your dear brother Matteo and might I say your first ever child." Agatha spat out as she held the kids still. Wanda clenched her jaw before she tilted her head "LEAVE MATTEO OUT OF THIS!" She yelled out while Agatha chuckled. "This whole life you made with Vision. This is chaos magic Wanda. That makes you the Scarlet Witch." Agatha blurted out before she soon smirked.

"Ughh! Let go of me!! LET GO OF MY BROTHER!" Tommy yelled out as he tried to reason with the evil witch. Agatha couldn't help but cackle "my powers work out here or did you forget?" Wanda asked as she glared at Agatha. "No dear I'm counting on it. Just like how I'm counting on someone to break free from their spell." She smirked.

Right as Wanda was about to attack her, she watched as a white mass of energy fly at her and knock her down. Right as Wanda was about to run to her boys she watched as they ran to her while she seen 'Matthew' go up to his clenching his fists. As Matteo looked down at Agatha he soon used his magic to raise her up in the air and look at her with his head tilted. "Took you long enough." Agatha smirked before she absorbed his magic which soon made his cry out in pain. "AGHHH!" He yelled before he soon dropped down and held his head. Agatha smirked before she looked at the ball or white magic in her hands before it turned purple.

Wanda couldn't believe her eyes, she was taking this child powers. But yet all she could to was look at her boys sternly "go to your room!" "We want to help!" Tommy and billy tried to reason with their mother. "Listen to your mother boys!" Agatha blurted out as she stood next to Matteo and put her foot against Matteo's head making him grunt out in pain. All Matteo could see was the boys look at them before Tommy zoomed off with Billy. Matteo smirked a bit before he felt the pressure on his head from Agatha which soon made his scream. Wanda of course wasn't having any of this so she quickly went ahead and blasted Agatha from off Matteo which left him gasping and soon stumbling away from Agatha.

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