50. A Surprise

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7 days later
22 days since Thanos snapped

Matteo was outside laying down in the grass looking up at the sky. He had turned his hearing aids off so he could feel alone. As the days went on Matteo ended up losing his hearing completely. Now all he does is turn his hearing aids off and have his time to himself. Even though Nat and Steve are around and everything he just wants time to himself. He knew that his sister wasn't going to come back, he knew that her promises where just always going to end up broken.

As Matteo laid outside he felt the breeze start to pick up a bit. He could feel the shifting in the grass as it moved with the wind and how calm it was. He found peace and found it very calming.

As he laid there he just stared up at the blue sky, he watched as the clouds moved though the sky not going anywhere particular. He then did a little sigh before he got up. He felt as if he should go see Pietro and give him a visit. Right when he got up he started to walk off towards the grave sight. As he walked he could feel the wind brush up against his face.

The one thing that he found soothing was the vibrations of the world beneath his feet. And the way everything was calm for a reason, he could also tell if something was off by the way it shifted. But after the snap everything has seemed to be calm and quiet. He didn't have to deal with the harsh loud world. The only thing he would have to deal with is his loud thoughts that he could push away deep down.

Right as the Maximoff made it to the grave out far from the compound he sat down in front of it. Right as he sat down he turned his hearing aids on. He then took a shaky breath and just stared at the sad looking grave. "Hey Bubba..Um..(it's been a while..)" Matteo started off saying. "(Things have been crazy..um..I dont talk anymore..my hearing I-is gone..now I have to used these hearing aids..from what Bruce and Nat said..there ok..)" he said before he soon took a shaky breath again. "(W-Wanda is gone..I don't know if she's ever coming b-back again..a-and I lost y-your power Bubby...I-I'm sorry..I could s-stop it from happening..)" Matteo said before he felt tears start to roll down. "(I feel s-so alone.. mama and papa..you and n-now Wanda and Vision a-are gone..I'm alone.. I feel so useless Bubby.. I'm a monster... w-why couldn't I have d-died?.." Matteo sobbed out before he soon put his hands in his face.

"(I-I lost everyone..a-and everything!.. I-I can't do I-it anymore B-Bubba!.. I-I'm l-lost.. I j-just want y-you and m-mama b-back again!.." Matteo said as his voice cracked, he then let out a loud sob. Right as he was crying he let his powers take over him which soon let to a small white and gold blast that made the trees around him move a bit. But the blast wasn't that powerful since his healing power is still taking everything over. As soon as Matteo opened his eyes all he could see is stars and before he blacked out.

27 minutes later

Matteo woke up to the loud booming of thunder. The 10 year old shot up in fright he soon looked up and around to see that it was getting dark. He then looked around to see the slight damage he caused by the small blast he did. "(I-I'm sorry Bubby..)" he said sadly, his voice sounded horrible aswell since he didn't speak for a good 3 weeks. Matteo soon got up slowly, he then turned his hearing aids down so he couldn't hear the traumatizing thunder. After all the torture he had been through when he got captured he never got help for his triggers.

Matteo soon started to run as fast as he could back to the compound. He wished that this was the time where he could have his speed again. All he ever wanted more than ever was to hide from the thunder and lighting.

Right when the Maximoff made it to the compound he was so out of breath he collapsed. He felt really light headed but he soon sat back up when he seen the flash of lighting strike outside. His eyes widened before he soon and quickly turned off his hearing aids, he then soon felt the rumbling of the thunder. He quickly got up and ran off to go find Nat.

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