14 | bitch

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"Derek man how are you" a tall grey haired man stepped through the door and gave Derek a hug. "Derek how are you" a preppy woman with long blond hair her hair wasn't even dirty blond it's just blond her eyes was a light blue. She had a russin accent. "I'm doing good inessa" Derek gave her a smile and her attention went to me. She looked me up and down and rolled her eyes not so preppy now hmm "who is" she said in a annyode tone "oh liam , innessa this is my girlfriend meredith and her niece harriet" harriet hugged my legs and derek kissed my cheek making inessa cringe "you have a beauty derek" liam grabbed my hand and kissed it while inessa didn't say anything she just looked mad. "I see you're expecting" she looked down at my stomach. "Yeah it's a boy" I smiled and rubbed my stomach. "Lets leave the ladies here while we close this deal" Liam suggested and he and Derek went to the office. "Harrit go to the guest i have you barbies up there" i kneeled down to her level and she shook her head yes kissed my cheek. "Who the hell do you think you are?" Inessa whispered. "Meredith grey avery and you" she scoffed at me and i giggled "you're a whore you broke up a happy marriage and got knocked up ,i bet it's not his" she was thinking she was reading me. "Your a fucking bitch trying to read me look at you a depsrate ass pick me ass bitch trying to hit on derek while your whole ass married so shut the fuck up" i yelled at her who the fuck does she thinks she is. "I hope you baby rotts in you" who the fuck says that she crossed a big line "fuck you" i slapped her across her face she looked back at with a red mark on her face.

Shetried to slap me but i grabbed her wrist and twisted it all the way and pulled her closer to me. "Don't ever wish anything on my child or i swear you'll be six feet under" i twisted her wrist all the way making her scream. footsteps came from upstairs meredith what's going on ''Derek rushed down stairs and looked at inessa wimping in pain. "This bitch tried to wish death upon our son" I yelled. "Baby what's wrong" liam ran over to inessa. "I think you should leave" Derek suggested to Liam and inessa. "Were suing" inessa yelled while going out the door "try me bitch or should i say cyka" i flipped her off and she slammed the door. I sat down on the couch and rubbed my stomach. Derek sat down next to me and rubbed my stomach too. "I  swear if someone tries me again I will slit someone's throat." I rested my head on his shoulder while he chuckled. "Where's Harriet?" I asked. "She was sleeping with a barbie in her hand on the floor and I had to pick her up and put her in the bed," Derek chuckled. "Hmm" I hummed. "Tomorrow we have to pick up the dress because the day after tomorrow it's the gal." "okay" i started to fall asleep on his shoulder.

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