20 | surreal

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Today is Derek's court date and I've been really stressing out. They said his court day was supposed to be 2 weeks ago and it got pushed back. I don't want him to be gone for a long time and miss out on the baby's life. As I walked into court I wore a dark grey dress. I saw Derek walk in with an officer behind him. He was wearing a blue shirt saying La county jail and black pants. He smiled at me and kissed the air and I blew him a kiss back. And he had his glasses on, which made him look so sexy. Last Night was hard i packed up all my things and dereks and moved them into the new house. I love this house. It's homey and I can really start a family here. The master bedroom is huge and theirs 4 other bedrooms and a movie room, an office and the kitchen is huge.

"Please rise. The Court of the Second Judicial Circuit, Criminal Division, is now in session, the Honorable Judge Rakyen presiding." the bailiff said we all stood up there was the da and paparazzi and other people.

"Everyone but the jury may be seated. Mr. Shawn), please swear in the jury." the judge said and flipped through some papers.

"Please raise your right hand. Do you solemnly swear or affirm that you will truly listen to this case and render a true verdict and a fair sentence as to this defendant? You may be seated." Derek stood up and said i do and then sat back down

"Mr. Shawn, what is today's case?" the judge asked.

"Your Honor, today's case is The State of California versus Mr. Derek shepherd

"Is the prosecution ready?" the judge aske

"Yes, Your Honor. ''Derek's lawyer stood up.

"Is the defense ready?" the judge asked and looked at the da. They stood up with tons of files and looked at me. Why the fuck they looking at me. For a whole hour they were talking about his case and how it started. Then they started talking about how long he has to do it.

"So mr.shepherd you got a pretty big felony this is federal you know that right " the judes said to derek.

"Yes ma'am" Derek said and leaned back into the chair.

"I hope You Know gets no bail and because it's federal" I see Derek go stiff. "I see you have your beautiful girlfriend here today" she pointed to me and I waved to him and he looked back at me with a smile. "How far along are you hun" she asked me. "Three months today." I smiled."Congratulations" she grinned. "You need to be home for you kid so i'm going to give you 2 years your kid won't even remember this" my heart dropped and Derek started crying. "No please ma'am i got to see my son when he's born please PLEASE NO NO" Derek got up and two guards tried to hold him down. "Please don't do this to us ma'am '' I asked and she looked at me and said. 'I can't give him less than two years if i can i would but it's the law hun" she got up and walked out the courtroom. Derek was resisting the officers and they pulled him out of the courtroom. I feel to the ground crying,

The shepherds heirWhere stories live. Discover now