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Month 3

"Mommy" Blair reached up for me to pick her up. "I can't pick you princess go ask auntie christina" blair ran to christina and christina picked her up and walked towards me. Derek and Beckham were playing catch outside while me and christina sat on the porch watching them. Christina sat down next to me and blair laid across me and christina lap slowly falling asleep. "Derek is an ass for this, it's your body meredith." Christina and Derek have been getting in arguments and I have been standing up for Christina, which he hates. "Christina, I'm scared my doctor said my body can't take this' ' I cried. I don't want to have any compilations or I die because Derek wants to be selfish. "You can't have an abortin mer it's too late.'' Christina said. "I know i want this baby but just not right now" "mommy look i caught it '' beckham raised his glove showing that he caught the ball. Derek walked over to me and Christina and kissed my cheek. "Is she sleeping?" Derek asked and I nodded my head and smiled. "How's my baby'' Derek rubbed my stomach. "She's doing good" Derek is happy that we are having another girl and so is beckham and blair. Mainly Blair, she's happy that she's going to be a big sister. "Can you put her in her bed and tell Beckham to take a nap too." I asked he nodded his head and picked up Blair and told Beckham to go wash up for nap time. "Well i have to go to work, I love you" christina got up and i did too and i hugged her and said my goodbyes.

Month 4

"Meredith, can you tell Bailey to stay at the office so you can watch the kids?" dereks said. "Derek bailey has a son she needs to be with her kid" i said. Derek has been going to meetings and talking with clients. "And you have kids too" he rummaged through his files in his office "but we can call a baby sitter she has no one." "Meredith, why do you want to work so badly? Huh you don't make shit all you do is design people's house" he yelled that really hit me hard. "Derek what do you at work all day huh i bet your fucking that bitch rose"i yelled back crying a little. "Meredith, you know I will never cheat on you." he lowered his voice but it was still stern and walked towards me. "Listen Derek I'm not a housewife I'm a woman with 2 kids who works and loves her job and i love you but i'm not your clients wifves i see how they treat them they knock up make them quit their job and make them stay with the kids and treat them like shit derek'' i sat down on his desk rubbing my stomach. "I-im sorry meredith i didn't realize but why don't you work at home try it for a month please" he asked and kissed my cheek. My lips. "I'll try" I gave in because i don't want to argue the baby has been kicking like crazy. 

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