I Tried

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I tried to help

I really did.

But you just ran away

And hid.

You brushed off my care

For a boy's with long hair.

Now the hurt is hurting worse.

You scream "Please help me!"

But the plea isn't ment for me,

You've turned to the world for a comforting hug

We both know there won't be one.

I think, what is wrong with me?

Am I really that weak?

To helpless to help?

You speak of death

And my tears start to fall.

You end your life

You'll end them all.


AN: True story. People, if you are depressed accept anyone and everyone's help. Or else someone could end up like me. This friend of mine is causing me grief. She didn't want me to help and now she is falling. You can't help someone if they don't take it in.

The last two lines don't mean I'll kill myself if she does. I mean a figurative death.

Question: I've two questions today. One: Will you promise me to accept help?

Two: What can I do to help even when she won't accept?

Suggestion: A day in a Utah snow. I've missed them this year. The snow coated mountains are absolutely gorgeous. The snowflakes large and fluffy. It's great fun.

Thoughts of a Ham SandwichWhere stories live. Discover now