I implore you,
listen to the trees.
You probably can't hear
but they whisper.
They know what you're going through
and they know how to fix it.
All you have to do is listen.
Listen to the trees.
AN: I used this other prompt list for this one. It's nice. I like it. I wrote in the library next to two nerdy looking boys who were playing Minecraft. Good times.
As for today's journal bit. What don't I share?
It depends on who you are and what you want to know. There are some people in my life right now that know parts of me deeply but don't know anything about other sides of me. I've been trying to be a more honest version of myself. It is exhausting to have to remember what I can tell to who. But I do it so I don't offend those people or make them think less of me. So do I tell everything to everyone and lose people for it? Or do I hold some things back so I can keep those close to me? I don't know. It's a question I've been struggling with. Sigh. Because I want people to know me. The real me. But what if they don't like the real me? I guess I'm scared of the rejection. Aren't we all?
Thoughts of a Ham Sandwich
PoesíaA collection of poems. If you're reading for the first time start at the end.