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You know the feeling when you're reading a book and you just love it? It's like your whole self, your whole being is being poured into that book. The feeling when you can't put it down. When the smell and the feel of the pages is such a great comfort. Oh! Books! They make my heart ache with both pain and joy. The most joy I've felt in years comes from the words in books. They pull me, dragging into sleepless nights and early mornings. They make me feel the rage and the glee of every character. What would I be without books?! They are my life! My existence! I simply couldn't function without my books. Oh, the simple pleasure of just holding a book! My soul moans and groans until I get to those books. The books that keep me sain in those times of grief and sorrow. The books I've come to know and love. The ones I quote word for word. Without books I am nothing. They are part of me, part of my soul. The books of a bibliophilia.

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