You aren't sure you've made the right choice. You're wondering if you should have settled. Anyone better than him probably couldn't love you anyway. You're thinking that maybe you should message him, apologize, and ask to have him back. You're staring at the phone in your hand, tears pricking your eyes, so unsure if the freedom is worth the emptiness in your chest.
I'm here to tell you that it is.
I'm here to tell you that your decision to leave was the right one.
I'm here to tell you that someone far better than him is right around the corner.
The next few weeks are going to suck. You're going to be sad. You're going to be alone. But once those days are over you'll be stronger and happier than you could have ever been with him.
You'll meet someone new. He'll be awkward and nerdy and he'll love you. For weeks after you've started dating, you'll be surprised that he respects when you say no. He'll say he wants you to be comfortable and actually means it. He'll take time out of his life to text you, to see you, to be with you. You'll fall in love with him. And this love will be so much greater than the love you thought you knew with him.
What I mean to say is this-- you made the right choice. Saying goodbye to him was the best thing you could have done. Things will be awful for a little while. You'll think that love and life and happiness are over. I assure you, they're not. Wait. Be patient. There is so much good to come.
AN: In my creative writing class we were given a prompt to give our younger selves advice. I kinda did that, haha. I wanted to give myself assurance that what I did ended well (or at least it has so far). I wish I could actually send this to the me that existed in November. She would have appreciated it.
But readers, I have a question for you. Does putting "him" in italics when referring to the old guy work? I want this to be sort of ambiguous so that readers who have similar doubts can read it and relate. But then I was dealing with two different hims and I wasn't sure how to make it clear that they weren't the same person without using names. Anyway, does the italics work?
I guess I could just delete the whole part about the new guy... I don't know. What do you think?

Thoughts of a Ham Sandwich
PoesiaA collection of poems. If you're reading for the first time start at the end.