Stupid cold!

69 9 11

I've a horrible cold

So far I'm not sold

I can not breath

And often wease

Oh how the winter loves me!

My nose it keeps running

And no I'm not punning

It sucks real bad

I'm oh so sad

Why do viruses choose me?!

I'm sorry poor nose

For getting this cold

I know you must dislike me

I'll get some soft tissues

some hot chocolate too

And hope it didn't get worse

I'm sorry throat

My cough is so bad

It makes you scream in pain

I'll do my best to fight the beast

And who knows

I might win


AN: that's right, I'm so sickly I won't even spell that out! In case you missed it, I've a horrendous cold. I hate it. Very much. By the way, all four of those are separate. They probably aren't too good because I wrote them at two in the morning when the blasted cold wouldn't let me sleep! So yeah. Have a nice day! And use lots of hand sanitizer! And cough into your elbow! And don't eat food of the floor! The five second rule is not know to germs!

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