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He was such a lovely boy. He was so beautiful, and so very kind. And he treated her just as he should. Like she was his last drop of water in a desert spanning for miles.

She was every form of grace. She was so considerate, and so very pretty. And she loved him just as she should. Like he was the last match in the matchbox in an ever darkening night.

He was so lovely and she was so graceful. And oh, how I wanted that. Oh, how I wanted him. Oh, how I wanted to be her. But I couldn't hate them or what they had. Becuase even from my jealously hazed window I could see just how happy they were. And I wouldn't, couldn't, ruin that for him.

Hello. I've been trying to post more. Thanks to the literally 3 people who still read this book. You guys are amazing. Not even lying.

Also, ghost reader Katie, hi. You really ought to just vote on my story. 😊 please. And you should check out pallid_peaches becuase she is amazing and has finsihed books so you can read to your hearts content.

Thanks pals. Ttfn.

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