just walk away

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I know I should walk away

before things get too real

before too many strings are attached.

I know if we keep talking

I'm going to be left behind

I'm going to be left broken.

I know this can only be temporary 

and that you'll find someone else

who you like better.

But right now,

this is good.

This is really good.

The happiness of now might be worth the pain of later.

That's why I don't just walk away.

AN: This isn't very poemy. That's okay. It's too real. But that also is okay.

Today's journal thing. Describe where I am right now.

I sit on my bed that doesn't house enough pillows. In a dorm room that's meant for two but only contains me.  My clean and folded laundry sits on the chair beside me, begging to be put away. Notebooks and textbooks and reading for fun books scatter the desk. Rain taps lightly on the window. 

I want to just lay in bed all day. Just listen to the rain, read a book, write, maybe watch a movie. But I have to do homework and clean. Yay. Adulting. 

I have already failed in posting every day. I did write yesterday but there was a problem with the wifi and I couldn't get on the internet for hours. Oh well. 

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