I get tired of coming up with titles

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I'd expected it to hurt

When I spoke your name

I thought my heart would wilt

When I told that story

I assumed I'd never truly get over you

But your memories no longer sting

Now I can go back to being me

Without the painful presence of you

AN: This is an old poem. Not THAT old. But a couple months old. 

Journal. The people who make my life better.

Pretty much everyone. The people in my life are what makes me happiest. Seriously, if it weren't for them life would be SAD. So I'll write a bit about them.

My roommate Emma. If it weren't for Emma I would be friendless. One of the best friends I've had in a LOOOOONG time.  

Brooke, who isn't my roommate but is over so often that she practically is. What a babe. She's such a babe.

Trinity, my Oklahoma friend. I wrote a poem about him. The one who fought for me. Yeah, I decided to give him a second chance and I'm really glad I did. 

Brandon. Most of my recent poems are about Brandon. 

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