Chapter 3

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You awake with a splitting headache as the rising sun hits your closed eyes through the window, memories of what happened the day before flooding back into your mind as you whimper in horror at the image engrained into your brain. Your mother took her own life... and it was your fault. At least, that's what you told yourself.

You finally manage to calm yourself down as someone walks into the room. It just so happens to be your one and only friend alastor holding a plate full of your guy's favorite breakfast. Pancakes! Sure he was a year younger than you, but he was bigger and stronger due to your condition.

"Oh goodie you're awake! Mother and I made breakfast, you don't need to get out of bed though" he smiles thoughtfully at you as he climbs into the bed with you. They decided to take you in and take care of you so you wouldn't be stuck in a orphanage so that really helps you out.

You sit up and move over to give him room "thank you Al... I'm hungry" I smile slightly since he loves to see me smile, and even though it's a sad time for me, I don't want him to be upset as well. I need to be strong for him too.

"Well I would imagine you would be after the day you went through dear" a second voice chimes in from the doorway. We both look over to see the loving gentle smile of Alastor's mom. "I heard what happened and I'm so sorry dear... if you need anything at all please don't be scared to ask me ok?"

I nod softly and start eating in silence, leaning against Alastor for comfort. I feel crappy. My eyes hurt, my head hurts, my mom... "Are you ok?" I jump at the sudden voice and turn to alastor, the one who spoke. His face is written in plain concern, I hadn't noticed but I am holding his hand rather tight so I loosen my grip. "No... but i will be ok, i promise" his small smile twists into a frown, something uncommon and is very worrisome. "If you want we can share a room together this way you don't have to be alone" his smile is back on wider than before, which causes me to smile back. His smile is very contagious and I would be lying if i said i didn't like it. "I wanna share a room with you. We can cuddle and read books every night, and when we can sneak out and look at the stars together" he hugs me tightly which causes me to lose my breath for a short moment until he lets go "I will go inform my mother of this change, i will be back!" He jumps off the bed and runs out laughing, it makes me relaxed, knowing I at least have them.

The day goes by, It wasn't that nice out but I was in too much pain to go out anyway. Instead I slept though the day, cuddling against alastor whenever he was there and woke up whenever they made food for me. I have to say their cooking is the best I have ever tasted. It's like heaven! I hope one day when i die, I get to go to heaven with alastor, It would make me happy. And maybe mom is up there too watching over me with god...

(Hey sorry. Another short chapter. I'm not that good at long one's but I'll keep trying)

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