Chapter 8

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It's dark.

And cold...

But it feels like I'm falling.


It's getting warmer.

Why is it so loud?

Where am I?

All of a sudden my body slams into a cement ground, causing me to jerk up and catch my breath. "What... where am I" looking around, there's nonhuman creatures everywhere, fighting or walking past me.

Oh, right. Alastor... killed me. I stand up and look around, then look at the sky in surprise. So I'm in hell then? That's not much of a surprise.

Looking down at myself I notice I'm still in the clothes I died in. Just a deep red and black this time and without my stab wounds. "Yeah I'm definitely not staying in this"

"Move it! Stop standin' around on the god damn sidewalk" some random demon yelled at me as he walks by, shouldering me out of his way, I almost fell into the road but caught myself and growl. "Gotta keep my guard up. Probably make allies.." I huff out and walk around, it's not what I imagined hell to look like thats for sure.

Turning to look in a store window I see my reflection and jump, i didn't expect to change much, but I'm... a raccoon?? Well, I always was the bandit in my lifetime, mostly helped during the great depression.

I take a long look at myself checking everything out, I don't look too different from my usual self. At least i have skin and not fur, I would feel weird like that for too long.

[Basically what you would look like]

[Basically what you would look like]

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I look at my tail, teeth, claws, ears

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I look at my tail, teeth, claws, ears... and my hair. Its... too long for my liking. I need to find a place to live, and just chop it off. I think it'll look good on me.

[Lol basically ahead of the times-]

Also gotta get out of this outfit, i just want to be comfortable right now.

Looking around I notice people don't really pay for much down here. Unless those who actually care. Well, seeing as I don't actually have money yet due to the lack of a job-

And also since I just got down here.

I might as well go steal an outfit and some scissors.

I start walking around, looking for a place that doesn't scream murder 24/7.

I wonder how Al is doing... he didn't mean to kill me right? Or was it his plan all along? Ah... I'm not sure... Maybe he played a trick on me all this time, pretending to care, so I can get close to him without realizing.. no I'm overthinking this! Ugh... maybe when he does make it down here, I'll be able to talk to him. If he even recognizes me.

I shake all those thoughts out of my head, and walk into a shop, seems like a grocery store, that has everything I need. "I could probably grab some food, maybe bread and meat just to get by" I walk around, grabbing a backpack and slips food and snacks inside, some scissors, and knowing how this is hell, an emergency med kit "alright last thing.. get some clothes." Feeling proud of what I've gathered so far, I rush to the men's section of the store and grab a pair of dress shoes, and normal walking shoes. Some dress pants and shirts, then a dark red long sleeve shirt and jeans. "Ok this should hold me by for now" This is hell... I can get away with anything as long as I don't get caught or don't piss off the wrong people. And alastor isn't even here to stop me...

A wide smile spreads across my face. Nobody can hold me back anymore, I can do what I want when I want. I don't have to listen to landlords or neighbors and there's no such thing as cops in hell. "Oh I'm going to have my fun while I can" taking everything to the bathroom with me, I get dressed in the walking shoes red shirt and jeans, throwing out the outfit I came here in. I then grab my hair and the scissors. "Bye bye long hair, hello brand new style. Hehe~" I snip chunks of my hair off, not even letting my hair be the same length in cuts as I make it short.

"Perfect." I look at the scissors "I'll keep you guys on me just in case." I slide them in my back pocket and zip up the backpack, getting it on, then jumps out the window near the ceiling and jogs away.

I need to find a place to stay, maybe somewhere more safe. I mean, I can totally just find a random house, kick the residents out and live there. Buuuut just to be safe, probably should do that where the least amount of crime is to happen. I'd rather be comfortable.

After what seems like hours of walking, I find a less destroyed neighborhood. Nothing much has changed but it just looks nicer. Probably just gonna live in an attic of a small store. Leave like 100 dollars every Friday for rent. I could totally pickpocket demons.

I hum and take a look around, seeing a small bakery "that'll do" rushing around to the back of the store, I start scaling the wall but stop and blink. "I had no idea I could do this... oh, yeah raccoons can do plenty weird shit." I continue until i make it to a window and squeeze through, making it into a dark and dusty attic and start coughing into my arm. "Ah shit, gotta clean this place up..." standing up I finally can see the place clearly. Oh right, raccoon vision or some shit. There seems to just be a few boxes and a closed door with a ladder to the main floor. "This will do nicely, just needs furniture and to be cleaned.. ew.." I look around, imagining myself cleaning on what I have to do, but i fail to notice the glowing of my hands until suddenly cleaning products appear in front of my causing me to almost fall.

What the fuck just happened. Looking down at my hands, they glow a bright orange then suddenly dies down and goes away. "Woah... i just did that" I got magic? Of whatever I think of? I have to learn how to control it. I look at the cleaning materials and quietly get to work so I don't alert anyone downstairs. When I'm done, it doesn't look all moldy or dusty anymore, it just needs some light and furniture. "Now is the perfect time to practice my magic" I stare at my hands and try to get them to glow again, but no luck.

"What the hell it was just working earlier" i groan "i just want a bed and to place it in the middle of the room to the walllll" I hold out my hands towards where the window is as they start glowing again. "!!!" A bed, the one I was thinking exactly about, appears right where i want it. My jaw drops in astonishment "oh my... this is amazing" a smile placed on my face, I happily get the hang of this, putting a bookshelf with all my favorite books to the side, a reading chair and lamp next to it, and a fridge to put my food in. "Lets see am I missing anything.. oh right a clock and night stand" I have them appear easily, now that i keep working on my magic and imagination. I then fall back onto my bed and relax, listening to the chaos outside.

"I really hope you're ok Al..." I sigh softly and get under the covers, falling asleep easily.

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