Chapter 13

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(I'm SUPER excited to know that hazbin hotel is coming out in under a year, I do hope I'll be able to watch it <3)

Alastor POV

What happened.

Why is it so dark

And cold...

Wait, am I dead? Did I die?

Well... I suppose my time was coming close anyways.


Seems to be getting... warmer.


Well well, it seems hell has one more added to their list.


Let's see how long they'll stand against me.

Suddenly I slam into the ground amongst a dark red and black forest, catching the groan that escapes my lips as I grip onto my head. My eyes widen once i hear the tone of my voice.

A radio signal in hell? Preposterous
I thought to myself.

"Where in the blazes am I?" I swiftly sit up, hearing my voice once again in a slightly different frequency than before

"... I must find a mirror. Something to see my reflection." I scramble to my feet and stumble a bit, being an extra foot taller it seems I will have to get used to that. But in the meantime my legs carry me to a nearby river. Though the water.. red. Due to the sky sadly. Everything is so RED. Although.. I actually love the color red.

I lean myself over the water, despite it being slightly more polluted than I would like it to be, I see my reflection clear as day.

"What in the hell.. what have I become?" My smile has not once left, showing my yellow sharp teeth plastered onto my sinister grayish face. Sitting atop of my head resting two large deer like ears made of my now red and black hair in a different, longer style than I had in life.

"Hmm.. I could get used to this look~" I look down at my finely tailored red black and white suit, it's battered but it pairs greatly with my new look.

It's hell. No rules.

My smile only grows more from the thought

Oh how wonderful it is to be here~ hell will see who will be most feared. I will be powerful. No matter what it takes.

My eyes become radio dials as my antlers grow and I become taller as i quickly make my way into pentagram city.

86 years later


Another year, another extermination day gone by.

I stand quietly at the doorway as I watch charlie sadly sing, It's always so rough for her during this time of the year. It also doesn't help her father doesn't believe she can do anything different to help the population decrease.

I don't think anyone but vaggie and I actually believe in her.

Not even angel dust. But he is only staying at her hotel for a free place to stay. So basically just using Charlie for her kindness. But it's hell. What can you say.

Hopefully, at least, someone will listen to her today. Considering she got a spot on hells news station to talk about her hotel. Oh boy lets just hope she doesnt sing.. that will not go well at all. (Lol foreshadowing)

I've been with charlie for 86 years, and all this time she has been way too fascinated with heaven. She's way too pure for hell despite being their princess. Sure she has the most power UNDER her father. But she refuses to fight unless she ABSOLUTELY needs to. Which is when she thinks she needs to. Which is why I'm here. I get paid to be her body guard, besides, of course, her girlfriend. She is very protective of her even if I'm there.

But even if I'm paid, I do it because I want to. Sadly now that she has moved to the hotel I see blue and kody maybe once a week. But hey they are happy and have eachother so I'm happy for them.

I snap out of my thoughts when the doors open and charlie comes walking in

"Hey charlie, you ready?"

She looks at me, her face written in confusion "ready?"

"Well yeah you have the interview today remember?"

Her eyes widen as she suddenly remembers "shit shit shit! I need to get ready!" I watch as she rummages through her closet, a small smirk catching my face, but it quickly goes away

"I'll be in my room when you're ready dear" I go down the hall to my room in the hotel, walking in to a bunch of stolen items... that of course I stole- but I can't exactly help it. Maybe I'm a kleptomaniac, but I love to steal whatever I want or need. It's thrilling.

Striding over to my closet, I pull out a purple button down and black slacks..  oh. Right. The color. I know I said my favorite color was red. But that.. was before the incident. And I despise the color red. I forever will. And nothing will change that.

After getting dressed and brushing out my hair and fur, I head down to the front lobby, only leaving once vaggie and charlie are ready and we all head into the limo to the studio.

(I know this chapter was more of a filler, but next chapter will be more interesting, sorry guys! I hope you all had a great Halloween-)

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