Chapter 16

681 16 4

3rd Person POV

Charlie, vaggie, angel, and the rest of the new members, husk, niffty, and alastor all head back inside, though it doesn't look much different than before besides the front door broken off it's hinges.

"Now! Charlie my dear would you please show me to the kitchen" his smile widens, just to hide how much energy he has used that day. He doesn't want anyone to show he is weak even in front of the princess. Before he had come to the hotel, or even seen the news. He had already finished keeping his territory and fighting off arc angels during the extermination. So his powers were quite drained at the moment especially after the run down with sir pentious.

He hadn't even given the raccoon demon a second thought upon seeing them today. He just doesnt care. He remembers their last encounter many many years ago, but for someone to impersonate the person he spent most of his life with on earth is cruel. At least that's what he believes.

"Oh yeah of course Al!" Charlie says as she quickly makes her way to a set of double doors, bringing alastor inside. Though.. the kitchen is a mess. Broken. And no food.

"Hmm.." Alastor says as he looks around

"Yeah sorry smiles, hasn't been food in this place since even I got here" angel says as he sucks on another half melted popsicle, which makes charlie shrink a bit and seem embarrassed

"Heheh.. sorry Al.. we just-" alastor shakes his hand dismissively

"Hohoho! Don't worry my dear I can fix this!

Why don't you all go shopping for the food, and in the meantime i will tidy the kitchen up! Please take your time, besides, it will take a while, there's only one place in all of hell where i get my meat." He slowly turns with a wide smile and symbols glowing around him "and i will know if you do not go there." He then snaps back to normal "anywho here is the list i need of ingredients! Show everyone the slip and they will know its from me. Now off you go! And bring more than just the list i gave you!" Alastor cherrily replies while handing charlie the list, vaggie quickly taking it and looking it over before charlie pulls her out to the limo.

"Eh I'm goin to my room... ooor~ OH HUSKYYY!~" angel calls out as he rushes out to the main lobby, alastor taking a moment before he lets out a sigh of relief and takes a seat in a chair. "Well it might be entertaining in the long run but this place needs more work than I initially thought. That.. raccoon. I did not expect them to be here. Why would they be here anyway?" He lets out a scoff "no matter. They mean nothing to me anyway." He gets back up and with all the magic he can muster up, the kitchen becomes brand new just like he did with the fireplace. But in the meantime he will go rest. It has been over 24 hours since he has been and he is about to pass out from magic usage anyways. He leaves a note on the counter for when charlie and vaggie come back, then goes to a random room on the first floor "Hm? Well this is a lot better than i had thought. I suppose they did work on some rooms" alastor closes and locks his door as he looks around the finely decorated bedroom, it's nearly as clean as what niffty would make it. A thin layer of dust on some surfaces from the room not being in use but that's fine. He is jut happy the room isn't in complete dismay.

He opens the curtains and looks outside for a moment before getting off his suit jacket and shoes, then laying down, taking some time to think before his body gives out and falls asleep.

(Shorter chapter today after the super long one yesterday

Btw here's alastors room

It'll change since this is just temporary for him to rest)

It'll change since this is just temporary for him to rest)

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