Chapter 6

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The day passes pretty quick, seeing as both Alastor and I have been busy.

Nearing 7pm just after dinner, we decided to wear something a bit more formal, not too much. I just wore a flapper dress and alastor put on his suit jacket, to hide his knife in.

Alastor and I grabbed our umbrella since it started to down pour not too long ago, though I actually love the rain. It gives a calming sensation, sometimes Al has to pull me back inside while it's raining cause I space out and get soaked, so I catch colds during those times.

"Why can't you just tell me who we are going to killllll" I whine as we intertwine our arms together and walk out, opening our umbrellas.

"Because my dear, I told you it's a surprise~" his smile widens, he looks a bit more off than usual, I feel as though his sanity is slipping more and more every time we do this. A pit grows in my stomach as I hum in response, looking in front of us. I get a sense that tonight is not going to go well. Somehow, some way, one of us will end up hurt. It stirs my anxiety, and I start worrying, it seems Al can tell by my facial expression and his insanity lessens a bit and turns into care.

"Darling is something wrong? You look worried, almost scared."

I sigh deeply and look at him "I don't think it's a good idea to do this tonight. Visiting Mimzy yeah, but not the other thing Al"

His brows furrow in confusion, but his smile never falters. "My dear you're always fine with it, why not now?"

"I just have a bad feeling something will happen and one of us will get hurt Al, and I don't want either of us getting hurt." I frown and look away, but as we stop right in front of Mimzy's he gently has me look at him, his eyes seeming more calm and sane, like I'm the only one that helps him stay calm.

"My dear... Y/N, nothing will happen, I promise you. I will keep you safe, and I will keep myself safe"

"... are you sure Al?"

He nods, and places a hand on my shoulder "I'm sure mon chéri, now, lets go be with our dear friend Mimzy" he smiles wider, though the end of that sentence seemed a bit strained, but I ignore it and nod, giving him a warm smile "Ok Al"

We walk into the softly lit bar, Mimzy putting on a little performance on stage like usual as people sit or stand around drinking or talking to one another, it gives a homely feel to it, since we've been here many times before and had some fun together. I think Al and Mimzy like eachother, seeing as she is always handsy with him, and always flirts or try's to get close with him, and he doesn't do anything about it, maybe cause we are all just friends but I still think they like eachother. Makes me slightly jealous but then again Al and I have been inseparable since childhood so I'm scared of losing him.

We close our umbrellas and take a seat at our usual table, I wave at Mimzy a bit to grab her attention while on stage, she smiles at us, obviously happy we are here, she'll probably wait until her break to come talk to us, in the mean time we order our drinks, Al gets classic whiskey and I get (F/D), we both talk for some time until Mimzy suddenly slips in and hugs alastor, which catches him by surprise seeing as he almost jumped 3 feet in the air "Eeee! Oh my lord I'm SO happy to see y'all again!" She holds onto Al's arm "especially you Al~"

"Haha! Yes my dear we come to watch you perform and spend some time!" He says through grit teeth, I'm a bit confused, he hasn't acted like this before.

"Well I was wondering when you cuties would show up, it's been months!" She giggles and takes a seat, and moves closer to Al, she's... Thick, curvy, like has the perfect form. I feel a bit insecure, I'm not built like that, a bra barely fits me i don't have any chest, though I do have a little bit of thighs, just a normal butt. I'm not too pretty either and i don't put on makeup like Mimzy does, she also does her hair nicely while i just make sure mines brushed. Hell I don't even wear jewelry or nail polish. I hardly even wear dresses, mostly pants and men's dress shirts. I don't like fitting in with society's norms for women, I guess thats one reason why most people look down on me, mostly white men. Luckily Alastor supports me no matter what I do, we are going to hell after all so at this point nothing matters.

"Hah yeah, it was his idea to come here since we saved up some money, we love your shows afterall" I say with a little grin on my face.

"Well! When does your shift end tonight?" Al looks at her expectantly

"Why I just got off work, I'm done early for tonight since we hired a new gal last week. Why??"

"We were wondering if you wanted to spend some time with us back at our place!" At this point I'm not even paying attention to anything they are saying, just slowly sipping on my drink, spaced out lost in my own thoughts, I'm not sure how long I've been talking but I'm shaken out of my trance, Mimzy is gone, not sure where though.

"Huh?" I look up to see Alastor

"Come on dear, it's time to go" he winks as he grabs his umbrella.

"Oh right, sorry" I get up and quickly follow him to the back door, not bothering to open our umbrellas as we start getting soaked, the lighting and thunder roars to life as I feel the overwhelming knot in my stomach grow, I see al has moved the dumpster in front of the door so it doesn't open, we've made it to the alley behind Mimzy's place. "So who's the victim??" I look at Al, but he doesn't answer as he giggles to himself, his sanity slipping, i realize this now.

"Oh there you two lovelys are! I've been waiting in this rain for 10 minutes now, good thing i got my umbrella"

"Mimzy?" I look over to see her walking over under her umbrella, then turn to see Al pulling out his knife and my eyes widen, before I can react Al already has her pinned under him "AL STOP SHE'S OUR FRIEND!" I quickly grab a hold of his wet shoulders and try pulling him off, he grunts and shoves my hands off him. "Not anymore my dear!" He raises his knife as i hear Mimzy's muffled screams from his hand.

"NO ALASTOR STOP" I grab his wrist, i don't know what's gotten into him. "This isn't right, she is our fri-" before I can finish I'm kicked into the brick wall of the building, I got the wind knocked out of me, and i struggle to get my breath back, but when I look up i see the crazed eyes of someone i don't know, he smiles wide and turns back to Mimzy who is trying to fight him off, I quickly start crawling towards them, to try and stop alastor but it's difficult, since I think I cracked a rib. I knew something wasn't right tonight!

Before I could make it, Al starts laughing and stabbing her repeatedly, my eyes widen as tears spring out of my eyes, lighting strikes and I see blood splatters all over him and the ground. I scream out and tackle him down with everything I have, but before i know it, I'm the one under him, with his knife raised above me.

"?! NO NO NO! AL STOP IT'S ME IT'S Y/N!" But it's like the words went right through his ears.

This is it... this is how I die.

I whimper pathetically and look into his eyes, and whisper to him. "I'll see you on the other side..." I close my eyes and hold back all my screams as I succumb to his attack, slowly, everything fades to black, and I take my final breath.

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