Chapter 15

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Words: 2558)



We are back in the limo

With a very very pissed off vaggie. We got angel, but it doesn't seem like he is even caring about the glare from vaggie, or the fact I'm beat and torn up, or even the fact charlie looks like she is about to cry. Which is why I'm trying to hold and comfort her right now.

But I must say if angel keeps playing with that button for the front window I'm going to beat his tall scrawny ass.

For a moment though angel stops and looks at us, well. Mostly vaggie who is dead on glaring at him like doing that will make him burst into flames.

"What?" Angel says

"What? What?! What were you doing!!"

Oh fuck she ripped out her hair

I try to gently grab her wrist but she slaps my hand away as angel sighs

"I owed my girl buddy a solid! Isnt that a 'redeeming quality' helping friends with stuff."

"Not with turf wars, that result in territorial genocide!"

"Ehh ya win some you lose a few hundred" he then laughs at his joke, which I then promptly snicker but cover my mouth and looks away as vaggie snaps her neck over to me

"See! They get it!"

"Y/n this isnt funny!"

"I know i know sorry-" I cant help but smile but vaggie growls and turns back to angel whose gone back to messing with the window, though vaggie quickly stops him with a knife to the button, making angel jump back in shock as a response

"Aw come on! I had to! My credibility was on the line! I mean what kind of reputation would i have if people found out i was trying to go clean it just throws off my entire persona~" and with that he moves his chest fluff up to seem more sexy

"And what about the hotel! Your little stunt? Made us look like a fucking joke."

I sorta nod my head in agreement "yeahhh.. it was not good at the studio today"

"No no no babes, jokes are funny! I made you look... uh, sad! And pathetic! Like an orphan, with no arms, or legs, uhh, OH with progeria!" When charlie hears all that she seems to shrink in my arms hiding her face in her hair, and i get pissed at angels words as i hold her close

"Great! Now I'm bummed thinkin' about it! This thing have any liquor?" He shifts his body around trying to search for that nonexistent liquor.

"Can you please just try to take this seriously."

"Fine, I'll try~ just don't get your taco in a twist baby~"

Vaggie stands up pissed again "was that you trying to be sexist or racist."

Now angel is looking upset "whichever pisses you off more. Is there seriously no liquor in here!?"

I roll my eyes "no angel there's no liquor"

"I'm gonna kill him." Vaggie says as she sits back down

"Too late toots. Wait! Would that make me double dead? Where exactly do i go? To double hell? Hahah! Sorry! You're stuck with me bitch. Get used to it" vaggie starts saying something in spanish, I'm not actually sure what she is saying i only know english and french and I'm pretty sure angel knows italian.

But I'm getting pretty mentally drained from the lack of caring angel is giving off, but i know charlie sat up and out of my arms so I kinda just start ignoring them all as I look out the window.

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