Chapter 17

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(Not into charlastor but the art is just amazing)


"Wait he did what." Kody says as he starts getting pissed off... again.

I went back to lucifers place until I can calm down from being in the same room with alastor. After what happened all those years ago after he fell down here, I don't want anything to do with him. But now he is basically running the hotel, and ruining my already shitty afterlife and I don't know how much longer I can take it until i snap.

"Yeah. Just came waltzing in like he owned the place then proceeded to be an absolute dick to everyone but charlie probably to suck up to her. And tried to get her to make a deal!" I say as i grip onto my hair and pace around the hall

"Well luckily she didn't make the deal right?.." blue said

"Yeah but she basically used her princess authority to make him stay until he wants to leave. Which will be whenever the fuck he gets way too bored of that place. And let me tell you he will do anything for entertainment."

"And let me guess. All they know is that you hate alastor and they don't even know why. You didn't tell them yet" kory crosses his arms at me

"No charlie knows everything but she STILL did that shit! Cause she is so desperate from help for the hotel that she doesn't even stop to ask if I'm ok with it. Which I'M NOT"

"Probably best you try talking to alastor again if you'll be living with him now"

"Or i can just fucking ignore his flat ass"

"Knowing him that will be hard to do..."

"Oh blue you don't know how stubborn i can be. I'll see you guys later. Gonna go ignore a bitch."

"Good luck. You're gonna need it" kody says as he shakes his head in disapproval

"Bye to you too asshole-" I then grab some food and head out the castle gates to get back to the hotel, sir pentious and his egg bois sitting outside the hotel in a large crater alastor made since his ship is now.. destroyed "hey sir snake guy, need help?"

"I do not need the help from the likesss of you! You work with alasssstor." He says as he pushes himself up trying to dust himself off

"Yeah well i didn't have a choice.. i hate him. With a passion. He means nothing to me anymore." The snake raises a brow and looks at me curiously

"May i asssk why?"

"Long story short we used to be best friends in life, he killed me, and when i tried to talk to him when he died he tried killing me again and calling me a fucking liar and impostor. He called me allll sorts of names. He left me to die after beating my ass. He noticed my weak spots back then."

"Wait wait wait. How could anyone try to be someone else's friend from life, if he only had you"

"EXACTLY! He is just an asshole who wants power now. He just wants to be feared. He is no longer the alastor I used to know."

"Hmmmm" he says as he rubs his chin "well since we both have a hatred for the deer. How about a truce!"

"A what."

"A truce dearie. You and I can be friends. And if you ever need me and I ever need you then we will be there for eachother, yessss?" He says as he holds out his hand

"I have conditions. 1. No trying to hurt any of my friends or cause damage to the hotel. And 2? No calling me for any turf war shit or evil plotting. I'm a friend not an evil partner."

"Deal" I nod then shake his hand, it wasn't a bound deal like what alastor does, its just... normal. And I like that

"Then it's a deal. My name is y/n by the way"

"Ohohoh!~ what a wonderful name! Well i should be off now, shall i receive your number or your socials to be caught up- dawg?"

"Please. Never say that again." I cringe hard as i hand him my number

"Got it! Catch you all on the flip side my dude!" I simply facepalm as he slithers away "ohhh my god I'm with a dweeb." I then shake my head and walk inside the hotel, it's late at night so everyone except husk is in their rooms. I decide to give in a little and walk over to the bar, husk looking over at me drunk as usual with that pissed off look "hey, husk. I'm y/n"

His brows furrow like he is trying to remember something "y/n. Tch. You that one that grew up with Al or some shit."

"Yeah, alastor just... doesn't believe it." And i don't care anymore. Weather i was an impostor or not, he didn't know. And he tried killing me without hesitation. It's over between us"

"Huh. Yeah you say that now. Watch your relationship with fucking blossom and shit. Gross."

"I'd rather not." I say as i take a bottle of booze and starts chugging it down, which seems to shock the cat bird demon

"Huh. You know how to take your alcohol huh kid."

"I also know how to kill a man 500 different ways with one weapon"

He lets out a scoff and smirk "here's to hating the red bastard" he says as he holds up his bottle, and i smile and cling our bottles together "and to future drinking nights" i laugh a bit and we start chatting and talking most of the night, we actually have a lot in common surprisingly, more than i have with anyone else besides blue and kody.

I'm sure it'll be ok here

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