Chapter 9

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??? POV

Unlocking my bakery front door, I start dragging in boxes of supplies inside. "Fuck these are heavy" I huff in annoyance, knowing I'll have to put them in the attic by myself. Normally I would put them in the back rooms but people steal my shit often. So I've started putting everything that doesn't need to be in the fridges or freezers up in the attic. Helps me save money that way.

I let out a heavy breath as I finally make it to the rope, to pull the door and ladder down and whine to myself. "I don't want tooooo" but I know I have to... I reach up and grab onto the rope, pulling the ladder down as it squeaks a bit. Grabbing one of the lighter boxes I head up the ladder and set it down with all the other boxes. Wait, when did these get so close to the entrance. I swear I put these near the wall. My brows furrow and I decide to push myself up into the attic fully, and look around.


What. The. fuck.

There is a random ass fucking demon LIVING IN MY BAKERY ATTIC.

How did they even get all this shit up here?! The opening space isn't even big enough for all of this!

Well. They are sleeping right now. Might as well wake them up to get some god damn answers.

I walk over to the giant king size bed, who even needs that big of a bed?

I walk over and take a good look at the demon. I can't seem to make out if they are a boy or girl yet, hard to tell.

"Hey, random ass demon. Wake up." I grab onto their shoulder and shake them.


"Listen to me, Y/N... I know, I won't be around forever. Daddy has to go work, and won't be back for... a really long time"

"Why do you have to go?... why can't you stay with me and mommy?"

"Because sometimes we have to stand up in what we believe in sweetheart..." he places his hand on my back and pulls me into a hug. "You will learn one day... just take care of your mother for me, and please never forget about me. I will always be with you. Your mom will have a hard time, and take it out on you, that's going to be hard, but stay strong. Stay strong for daddy. And I'll stay strong for you."


"Now wake up."

"Huh? What do you mean?"


I gasp awake as I'm suddenly thrown to the ground. Dazed and disoriented I try to grasp my surroundings.

"Finally your ass is awake" I turn on my back and look up to see... an irritated koala demon, looking down at me with arms crossed. "You have some explaining to do"

 "You have some explaining to do"

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