Chapter 14

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I stand on the side quietly swiping a few small objects and hiding them in a bag I created for myself as the shitty bitch katie killjoy and tom trench are on set, we are just waiting for them to go to commercial break so charlie can get set up for her interview.

I overhear from Tom that apparently that snake guy sir pentious and Angel's friend cherri are having a turf war.

Damn I wish I could be part of that it seems like so much fun



Angel is probably gonna break the rules

This will not make charlie look good whatsoever.

It's the same every year though. Right after extermination day sinners all over pentagram city run rampant trying to get as much territory as they can.

Though most of the territories are taken over by, well, overlords.


I hate overlords so fucking much.

"Come ooon vaggie! I know what to say!.. i just feel like we need to... i don't know, make things sound more exciting" she lets out a short gasp before getting excited, thats when i turn and walk over "ooOOHH! What if i si-"

Thats when I bud in "sing a song about it?"

She smiles and leans into vaggie while looking at me "you knew I was gonna say thattt"

"Cause we know you. But.. please dont sing" vaggie voices as she gently shakes her girlfriend, looking worried. "This is serious"

"Welll you knowww"

Oh why us she standing on the snack table

I wanted those snacks

I was gonna take them but she is now standing on them-

"I'm better at expressing myself and my goals through song!"

"But, life isn't a musical hun" vaggie looks up at her

"Finne, but i have some other ideas of what I want to say! The highlighted bits are the best partssss" she bounces in delight as she hands us a piece of paper

"Uhhh. Its All highlighted." I point out as i squint down at the paper "and is that a drawing?"

"YES! THATS THE HAPPY ENDINGS! Everyone's smiling and happy in heaven" her eyes basically sparkle and I just make a weird face, this is the part where I zone out and let vaggie deal with the rest. I appreciate charlie and I believe in her cause. But.. i don't believe in happy endings. I believe that even if she does end up getting demons into heaven, there will always be something wrong.

I snap back to reality when I suddenly hear a piano play and I quickly look over to see charlie starting to sing

"Fuck fuck shit fuck" I rush over to vaggie "I thought you got her to not sing!?"

"I did. She was doing so well until everyone was just silent. Which made her nervous. And as you know. She-"

"Sings when nervous." I pinch the bridge of my nose and wait for charlies little musical number to be over, when she is however finished a demon stands up

"Wow!... that was SHIT" and everyone starts.. laughing at her. This is what i was afraid of. I never want her to be made fun of or for her to be embarrassed.


The bitch

Of course opens her big ass whore mouth again.

"What in the nine circles, makes you think a SINGLE denizen of hell would give two shits about being a better person?!" She says through broken laughter "you have no proof that this little experiment even works!"

Oh let me fucking get her. Let me just fucking rip her head off her broken ass neck.

"You want people to be GOOD? just.. because?!"

"Well... we have a patron already. Who believes in our cause. And he's shown incredible progress!"

"Oh?" Katie says with a smug grin. "And who might that be."

Oh god charlie why did you have to do this, i have a bad feeling

"Oh.. just someone named angel dust."

"The porn star?!" Tom chimes in. Honestly forgot he was there for a moment.

Katie snaps her neck as he nails dig into the table "you fucking would tom" which obviously this makes tom look uncomfortable after outing himself

After katie makes a smartass remark, charlie starts listing out how good angel has been doing for two weeks, before... of course, my bad feeling set in. Katie had suddenly gotten word and live footage of the turf war from earlier, and just as i suspected, angel is now part of it. I look to my side to see vaggie absolutely livid, so i stepped aside as to not get into contact with her rage

When i look back up, katie is standing over charlie "tell us. How does it feel to be such a total failure"

"Yeah, well. How does it feel that i got your pen, huh!? Bitch!"


Everyone is quiet for a moment, in shock, before charlie chuckles nervously and quickly puts her pen down before tom runs for the hills and katie gets more demonic, them now starting to fight in which i join to mostly keep charlie safe but to also help beat the fuck out of katie.

Somehow after a few minutes tom is on fire and the whole place is in chaos.

(Hey babes i hope this was ok :)

Im just trying to get through the pilot episode as fast as i can

Forgive me-)

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