Chapter 4

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Weeks pass since my mother killed herself. I haven't really been ok since then, always having nightmares and developing insomnia. It wasn't a good thing especially at my age... luckily though I always slept with Alastor when I needed, since his mom moved all his things- even his bed- into my room. We sleep on opposite sides and sometimes he will even try to stay awake with me and talk. He is great with conversations and even loves telling jokes to cheer me up. It works, he distracts me from my inner demons.

Though it's not always nice in his place, his dad is an abusive alcoholic that works two jobs. I have to hear his mom crying or getting hurt sometimes. It doesn't happen often but Alastor too. If it wasn't for his mom, I would get beat as well. Though I have a gut feeling telling me that's not going to last long...

Today is a Saturday, which means we have the weekend off of school again. Alastor insisted that we finally go out into the woods again, and that he'll keep me safe. I trust him with every ounce of my being and give him a small smile compared to his large one. "I think you're right Al, I can't hide away forever. I gotta be strong, and get through it" his smile seems to widen as he pulls me into a tight hug "that's the spirit y/n! Come on!" He lets go and pulls me out the house as I let out a small giggle, I really do feel safe in his presence.

After some running around in the forest we stop in a clearing, out of breath yet we feel free, I look at Alastor and his smile has shrunk, not in sadness but astonishment, when i look at where he is looking a soft gasp escapes my mouth. I don't think we have been in this part of the forest. It seems untouched and beautiful. Slowly I take a seat in the sun and take in the wonderful view and the sound of nature.

"It's so pretty

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"It's so pretty... right alastor?... Al?"  When I don't hear him speak up I look towards where he was standing, but he is turned away, staring at a large male deer from far off, staring at the both of us, we both stare at him as he stares back. I can't help but notice the red tint in his fur as it starts walking towards us, large antlers protruding from his head, I underestimated the size of deer apparently because he is towering over us. "N-nice dear... we won't hurt you" Alastor says as he slowly raises his hand towards it, obviously wanting to pet the large buck in front of us. When the deer doesn't make any movement to run away I stand up and reach towards him as well, holding alastor's free hand. Surprisingly the buck bends his head down to us, pretty tame, and calm, and lets us both pet him. My smile grows and my eyes sparkle in joy, as does alastor's, this is both our first time experiencing this. "You're pretty mr. Deer" I speak up with a bright smile. And as though it could understand what I'm saying it seems taken aback by my statement, standing back up with a huff, then gently nuzzles my cheek and runs back into the thicket without another sound.

"That... was... SO COOL!!! Y/N DID YOU SEE HOW BIG HE WAS?! OH AND HE LET US PET HIM! IT WAS AMAZING I HAVE NEVER BEEN THAT CLOSE TO A DEER!" He grabs my arms and bounces with excitement as i just listen to him ramble on. Apparently he wants to hunt when he is older, have his own gun. I don't really like the thought of killing animals, but if it makes him happy to do it then I won't stop him from what makes him happy. He deserves happiness just as much as the next person.

For the rest of the day we talk about our future together, we fantasize about what it would be like, how much will change and what will stay the same. We both believe that we will be best friends for the rest of our lives. And I believe that. I never want to leave alastor, him and his mom are the only people left in my life and i never want that to change.

Night falls and we head back to the house, but instead of going inside alastor pulls me to the back yard and lays in the grass. "Let's stargaze for a bit before we go inside" he looks at me with a small smile drawn on his face. "I don't want to go be with father yet" I nod and lay next to him, staying close due to the night bringing the cold air with it. We sit in comfortable silence and stare up at the stars for a few moments.

"Hey y/n?"

"Yeah Al?"

"No matter what happens, we'll never be apart right?"

"Of course not Al. You're my best friend. And I will be by your side no matter what. Even if one of us dies i will always have you on my mind" I lay my head on his shoulder as he hums in response.

"Me too..." he wraps an arm around me and physically relaxes until his mom opens the door and calls us in for supper.

When We Cross Paths Again [Alastor X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now