Chapter 5

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October 19th, 1931

Years have passed since that incident with my mother, and Al has kept his promise since we were kids. And I have as well. I've grown more and have gotten stronger since I was young, which is a relief, I was worried I'd be small and weak forever. But like i said, I wont give up.

Anyway... since the day we saw that strange red deer, I have seen it out of the corner of my eyes. Every time I turn to see it, it's gone, though strangely enough I only see him when around Alastor. Like it's our guardian angel.

Though... we have a secret we share together, something nobody else knows. Alastor has become a serial killer, ever since his father had killed his mother, I witnessed him shoot his father with the gun he purchased for hunting. I wasn't scared, but I was in shock, he was definitely scared I would hate him. But how could I ever hate my best friend? And ever since then, he's had a taste for blood. Literally, he became a cannibal. It made me cringe at the thought, but I'm here for him just like he was here for me. I even help him with his kills and hide all the evidence so I guess you could say I'm a serial killer as well. The cops only think it's one person, when in reality it's two.

Oh, and another thing, alastor actually got a job as a radio host. And he's amazing at it!!! I always listen to his station whenever I have free time.

As for me, well we live together, I work at a cafe during the weekends and on the weekdays I stay home and make sure the house is clean, and I take lunch to Alastor every day.

We decided it would be better to live together as roommates like we always have. Not to mention to save money, the stock market has crashed a few years ago and we are stuck in what the nation calls the great depression.

I hope Al likes jambalaya multiple days in a row...

I cover the bowl and place the rest of the pot away, and head off towards his radio station. He works a couple streets away, just a few minute walk from home. On my way there, I spot red in my peripheral vision and turn, seeing the deer again, in an ally. But... we always see it when we are together. And why is it in the city? "Weird..." I slowly look away and continue walking, eventually making it. Just in time for his lunch break, when I step into the building he immediately comes over to greet me.

"Y/N! Oh I'm happy you made it!" I smile and hand him his bowl and spoon "well I'm happy I make it every day Al" I say with a small chuckle "by the way, we are a little low on food, i hope you don't mind jambalaya until our next pay day" he waves his hand dismissively "It's perfectly fine my dear, I enjoy jambalaya, you make it just wonderful just how mother used to make it!" We both take a seat as he happily digs into his food.

"Oh my dear, I was wondering if you wanted to go have some fun with me tonight?" He looks at me with his usual grin plastered on his face

"Who are we targeting this time?" I raise a brow in question.

"Hm... you'll see!" His smile widens and I just scoff jokingly "wowwww and I thought we were friends-" I laugh along with him for a moment "nah it's fine, we've done the bad deed to many innocents so I don't really care who." He looks at me expectantly "then before hand would you like to go to Mimzy's with me dear?"

Mimzy's? We haven't been there in a couple months. "Sure, it's been a while since we've seen our friend" I hum out in delight and steal a bite of his soup, which he doesn't seem to mind.

"Great!!! We will leave tonight at 7, we'll need to bring an umbrella it will be rainy later" I nod as we check the time and both stand and give each other a tight hug, I am the only one he lets touch or hug him, and I'm happy he lets me because I am bad at personal space around him. "I'll see you after work mon chéri" I reach up and pat him on the head before heading back home, the deer still watching my every move.

[Ugh finally back from my depressive episode- I'm sorry for the long wait everyone! I'm trying my best! :)

Can you guess what will happen next?

Who will alastor kill?

Whats going to go down in the rain?]

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