Chapter 20

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{I'm finally back after a very long hiatus, I apologize for the wait, I have been very busy and I wasn't sure what to write next especially after the show officially came out which threw off my idea, but it's ok because I found a way to incorporate the show into this story. I hope you all enjoy it}

January 1st 12:00am


A sigh of relief washes over my exhausted body as I hear the bell in pentagram city go off, and Charlie's fireworks burst in the deep red sky as the extermination is finally over once again. We are lucky this time, that alastor is here to keep us safe for the most part.

I may be a strong demon, but I am nowhere close to being as strong as alastor when it comes to battle. I don't even know why Lucifer hired me for Charlie in the first place. She is the princess of hell, she should be strong as fuck right?

Not to mention, she's already got razzle and dazzle at her side.

Maybe when she was younger, she needed someone around, who wouldn't just use her. Like a friend. Which I'm more than happy to provide.

Shaking out of my thoughts I slip out of my covers and slide on some sandals as I walk over to the window, drawing the curtains open as I per usual see all the bloodshed and weapons left behind by the exorcists.

No matter how many times I see it, no matter my past, I can't help but feel sorry for those who have been slaughtered. If Charlie's plan does work; and let's hope it does. Then none of this has to happen ever again. It's hell sure but there's sinners down here that still deserve a second chance. Not all of them, definitely not alastor. But there's still hope and I trust in Charlie.

Closing my curtains back up I slide back into my comfortable sheets, tuning out the world around me as I fall into a comfortable slumber..

One Week Later

Charlie comes knocking on my door the next morning with vaggie behind her, apparently alastor has something to show us, which I'm not too keen on going down and wasting my precious sleep over. But if it'll make Charlie happy then Ill go.

I snap as my suit forms on my body and away goes my night robe before I follow the girls to the main lobby, where we sit on the couch with alastor next to the television, seemingly unamused by it, or even being near it for that matter. His claws are basically digging into the top of it. But he ends up playing a video he recorded for the hotel. Which what I heard he was supposed to make a commercial to air on tv so sinners can know where to go, and what the entire hotel is about.

As much as I appreciate his effort.. or lack thereof.. despite absolutely hating modern technology, he didn't do too bad in my opinion. It was pretty funny.

"Soo whaddya think!" Alastor beams while gesturing to the tv, although looking at us.

"I'm sorry. What the fuck was that." Vaggie says while scowling at the red demon.

"Uhhh yeahh.. one note" Charlie butts in with a nervous smile "first off, thank you so much for making this, seriously, amazing! But um.." she hesitates while thinking of the right words, moving her hands in certain positions "maybe the tone is a bit... Off?" She says while alastor seems to smile wider, though his eyes seem annoyed in a way.

"We want people to want to come here; this makes it look... Uhhm.." she leans back slightly from gesturing to the screen, at a loss for the right words before vaggie once again speaks her mind

"Bad. The word you're looking for is bad."

"Funny, I was going for hilarious!" Alastor says in a slightly condescending way towards her, it makes me hold back a smirk. As much as I appreciate vaggie she is way too much of a hard ass, and needs to calm her tits.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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