Chapter 11

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2 years after your death

"Hey Y/N! Y/N over here!!!"

I open my eyes to see... a beautiful green scenery, a blue sky, with warm light shining through tree tops.

Where.. am I?

"Y/N! Come on we are going to our little hideout aren't we?" I feel a hand grab onto mine, and I snap out of my trance and look at who is talking. My eyes widen at who is in front of me.

"Alastor?..." He's a kid again. Wait, I'm a kid again and a human? How?

"Well, yeah. Who else would it be?" He says giving me his usual warm smile that makes me relax.

"Hehe sorry, I was probably daydreaming a terrible nightmare!"

Is this even real?

"That's ok! Come on Y/N" he holds onto my hand and walks me towards our hideout, we walk for what seems like forever... but, our hideout wasn't far from our home. "Alastor? Where are we going?" Silence. "Al?" I now shift my gaze to him and jump, he is now an adult. We both are. The forest suddenly turns dark and rainy, just like the night he killed me.

"Oh my dear, you shouldn't have trusted me." He turns to me with his sinister smile and his hunting rifle

"A-Al what are you doing with that." I hold out my hand as I walk backwards, but with each step, he only gets closer.

"Darling you really thought I would keep you around forever? Hah! What an idiotic choice that was my dear! You should've known I'd kill you!" He tilts his head and his smile grows wider. I'm suddenly pressed against a tree struggling to breath.

"No.. BUT WHY?! I THOUGHT WE WERE BEST FRIENDS" tears start streaming down my face, mixing in with the rain.

"I only kept you close so you can help me. You were only a toy for me to use my dear~" he then points the gun to my forehead "I'll see you VERY soon~" his laughs fill the air as he pulls the trigger.

My eyes fling open as I let in a deep breath, I'm nearly hyperventilating. I look around quickly at my surroundings to see... I'm laying on the ground next to my bed, tangled in my blanket, drenched in sweat as the red light of the pentagram sun seeps through my curtains.

"Fucking hell..." throws an arm over my eyes as I calm my breathing down. "It's just a nightmare.. again. The same... fucking nightmare." I look over at my clock, having it read 4am I groan and get up, getting myself untangled from my blankets and look at myself in my mirror, besides my mask looking marking on my face, I seem to have darker rings under my eyes. I have been having more frequent nightmares about Alastor, most of the time it's back when I was alive, or I'm in hell and I hear his voice, but in the end I always end up killed by him.

Is it true that he didn't actually want me around? No, he probably did at first... but he probably didn't want me to rat him out. He was most likely planning the right time to strike me down. He has always been stronger than me afterall.

Shifting my tired gaze away from my reflection, I walk over to the window and move the curtains over, looking out at the city. It's basically 24 hours of death destruction and chaos 7 days a week. Due to people dying and coming down here there's ones who live off different time zones, so no matter what there will always be sinners out there, doing something with their pathetic afterlife.

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