Chapter 10

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One year after your death.

It's been one hell of a year. It's been great actually. I've moved in with kody and bee at their house, which actually isn't that far from the bakery.

We are all basically best friends now. I do miss being with Al though most times. I've already forgiven him for killing me, I'm just worried about his mental state. He probably has gotten worse by now.

But, besides that, I learned how things work down here. Apparently there's an extermination once at the end of every year, where arc angels come down to hell and kill off sinners because of the over growing population. A bit gory but I see how it can help. Though blue and kody take it very seriously, and have us hide out in the basement until the next day. I mean, yeah, It terrifies me to be double dead but as long as we keep doors and windows shut and locked I'm sure we'll be safe, because the rule is they can only go inside homes if there's an opening.

Anyway; back to my long rant about what's been going on over the year.

This past year on my first extermination I thought I saw and heard a familiar woman. Though I couldn't put my finger on it as to who it could be. I have only seen her about 2 other times since then, and I know i knew here In my past life but it's just so hard to recognize who it could be. I've seen another woman with her before. And I can only describe her as looking and sounding like Alastors mom.

But It couldn't be her right? She would've gone to heaven? Oh, well, we all keep secrets. She might be in hell.

My current plan is to find this mystery woman again and talk to her. Because god dammit it's bothering the fuck out of me! I'll even search the entire pentagram if I have to.

But I can't today, despite not living in their bakery attic anymore, I've actually grown to enjoy working weekends and I like helping my friends.

I lay awake in bed, listening to my clock tic every second in the silence of my bedroom. It's loud and yet deafening. I hate it. But at the same time my mind is full of thoughts. Why do I keep getting reoccurring dreams of when I was a child? Especially the day my mom killed herself. Probably trauma just coming back to haunt me now that I've been more stressed anxious and worried, mainly for alastors sake. But other things I've mentioned as well.

I hear a knock at my door, and a soft voice come from behind it

"Hey y/n?... it's blue.. 30 minutes until we have to leave.."

"Ok blue thank you, love you"

"I love you too..."

I hear his footsteps fade down the stairs. I stay in bed for a few more minutes and groan, not wanting to move. I'd rather find that woman today...

After another moment I get up and walk to my closet and look through my clothes, since i now own a variety of different clothes. Mainly men's clothes and suits. But I do own a couple dresses just in case I actually need to wear one.

I slip on a slip fitting tank top and put on a white dress shirt over it, leaving a couple of the top buttons unbuttoned, then puts on dress pants and dress shoes, not bothering to tuck in my shirt like always I ruffle my hair to make it more messy than it already is, and fold my sleeves to my elbows. I love this look on me. There's no way alastor would recognize its me though, I've changed down here, but I'm still my old self no matter what. I grab my wallet and hide it in an inside pocket of my pants so no pickpocketers come and snatch my shit. I learned that the hard way.

I walk down to the kitchen and dining area to see kody has made breakfast.

"Woah smells fantastic as always" I smile and take a seat as I dig into my still warm meal

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