Chapter 19

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[Hey guys, sorry for the long wait! Been dealing with a lot, health issues, adhd, etc..]

December 31st; 12am

The Extermination Day.

It's only been a couple days since Christmas. Sure.. it was nice while it lasted, gave most of the sinners some joy until everything went back to normal. Though that was bound to happen anyway.

I honestly don't mind helping for just one night a year. At least I don't have to travel and entire ass globe. Fucking shit if santa WAS real i would question if he is actually a human.

But back to the topic at hand.. extermination day. It's started. Only a couple hours ago we finally finished boarding up every entrance to the hotel, making sure no angels get inside. Any openings they find they WILL come in. I learned that the hard way back on my first extermination day. Now I'm just watching through a crack in the boards down in the lobby, seeing the angels come down through a portal in the sky. 24 hours.. that's all we have. Just to survive. It's ok.. we all have survived this long, we will be ok. I hope..

As I'm staring outside with my hands in my pockets, alastor had quietly moved towards me, now standing next to me "It's such a wonderful time of the year isn't it!" He says with a wild smile, causing me to frown and glance at him "yeah. Wonderful." I say with a roll of my eyes and turn to walk away before he clears his throat

"well, it seems you are naked my dear" he says

"Why do you care." I turn and glare at him before angel rushes downstairs yelling "HEY! HEY HEY EVERYONE"

Though his yelling put everyone but alastor on edge, charlie speaks up seeming distressed "w-what is it angel!? Did one of them get in?"

Angel blinks then starts laughing "what? No no babe, i just found out what we could do while we wait"

Vaggie lets out an annoyed groan "dammit angel you cant just scare us like that!"

"Hey not my fault you all are scared toots. Besidesss. This should let everyone loose! Especially those two" he says pointing to me and alastor

I speak up raising a brow "what is that supposed to mean"

"Ah come on babe, you and the pimp have such sexual tension and its sooo noticeable"

Alastor makes a strange radio noise "excuse me. I wouldn't say sexual."

"Yeah more like hatred" i add

Angel simply rolls his eyes before charlie chimes in "well what's your idea angel?"

"Oh right!" He says smiling again "we can play games! 7 minutes in heaven, spin the bottle, truth or dare, strip poker-"

"I HEARD POKER I'M IN." Husks gruff voice speaks up as he comes over with a crate of booze

"Ooo great thinkin' husky we can all drink too! Make it more fun~"

"I just wanna beat your asses in poker."

"Sure ya do kitten~"

I smirk "sounds like the ones with sexual tension is you guys"

Vaggie then picks up a bottle and sneers "really angel? Isnt all those games.."

"Fun? Yeah they are. Hah lets start withhh.. strip poker!"

Alastor laughs nervously "oh im not going to participate"

I look at him "not even if you have your favorite wine involved?" I say as i hold up a bottle, which makes him stare and sigh, sitting in the circle with everyone "thats what i thought deer boy." I say as i sit down with the others

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