Chapter 12

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In an instant I kick open the front door of our house, out of breath and sweaty from running all the way with the bags of groceries, blue and kody nearly attacking me due to the sudden entrance.

"Fucking hell Y/N don't scare us like that!" Yelled kody as he pulls on my ear as punishment.

"Ow- fuck-" I swat his hand away and glare at him "first of all stop doing that, and SECONDLY-" I drop all the bags to the ground and clasp my hands together as blue and kody look at each other then at me

"Secondly... what?-" asked blue

"This is not our home anymore and we have new jobs-"

Kody just stares, seemingly un-phased and thinking I'm just saying some stupid joke like always "I don't get it"

I roll my eyes at his statement. He can be very cold and blunt most of the time, but I don't doubt him. He has had it rough. Then again, all of us have had it rough down here.

"That's because it's not a joke kody. I saved Lucifer's daughter and brought her back to him, and apparently he was so grateful that he is letting us stay at the castle, AND we will be working there" and at that point their jaws drop straight through the floor in shock.

"You.. you're joking right??.." blue laughs out nervously.

"Why would I be joking about this?"

Kody then chimes in "what even would we do anyways? It's not like we have any use for the king."

I let out a low chuckle and smirk at him with a hint of evil in my eye "sure you don't~"

"... the fuck are you doing"

My evil face drops "you can be no fun sometimes- listen you are to make sure food and drinks aren't poisoned, blue you are a gardener, and I am the princess's personal guard" they go silent in shock again after that "okok now come on we need to pack our bags" I shoo them up to their rooms then lock myself in my bedroom and flops down face first into my bed, letting out a heavy and long sigh.

As I roll onto my back I stare at the ceiling and look around at all the items I've stolen during my time in hell.

I suppose I won't really be needing anything but my clothes, but will I even need my clothes? Do I get new clothes? No I doubt it... whatever I'll pack them anyways

I slowly sit up and rub my head, having grown a splitting headache and a sense of dread slowly creeping through my skin "tonight won't go well" I speak to myself as I look out my window, unbelievably tired for some reason "we are leaving tomorrow anyways... I could use the sleep.." and with that, my head hits the pillow and I pass out.

3rd person POV

Alastor has grown unhinged. Unstable. Before you had been murdered by his own hands he could control himself but it has gotten worse since that night. He has been sloppy with his work due to this. He's slipping from his sanity more as the years progressed. It's not even like he is even thinking of you anymore and just the satisfaction of others blood on his hands, the screams ringing through his ears. It makes him smile more than anything. It makes him crave more. Helps him fill the void in his heart that he ripped out himself. Though, he hasn't been paying attention. The cops are on his tail and he knows it. He's been leaving one too many clues in the crime scenes.

Though, tonight is a special night. Tonight he gets to go hunting as to take a break. He hasn't seen your grave in so long either, he nearly forgot about you. He thought, 'how could I let myself forget of my one and only?'

As he walks through the forest, his hums and some wildlife can be heard as it's now night.

What he doesn't realize, is that police just started following him.

Alastor stops humming after a moment as he thinks he hears something. And he is correct. Dogs. Police dogs coming his way. His eyes widen in fear as he has a horrible past with dogs, he hates them.. and they hate him.

He starts running as fast as his legs can carry his slender body, his thighs and lungs nearly burning as he can now hear the cops screaming, gunshots echoing all around him and flying past him into nearby trees. The police dogs nearly biting at his legs, but he can't turn to fight back there's too many of them for just his one self.

But before he can make any more moves the dogs tackle him to the ground and starts ripping and tearing his body apart, his screams then silenced once a cop stands above him, shooting him square in the forehead.

[Hey everyone Im so sorry for the long long wait! My mental state has been going to shit and I've been slowly working on this chapter when i can, thank you to everyone who's been seeing this so far!<3]

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