4. Jiminie, the church boy

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"I will throw up, what is this smell?", Chaerin gagged as she held her palm to her nose.

"Weed baby. Weed", Alison replied taking a drag of the joint in her hand. "Want?", she offered it to Chaerin who politely refused.

"But why is there so much smell in the air? Its just driving me nuts"

"You never came to frat parties, did you?", Alison laughed. "You get used to it when you are crammed into a house where everyone has a joint in hand"

"I need some air", with that the woman pushed past the people as she walked out of the party. Her eyes widened as she saw Jimin with a girl in the corner, dangerously close to her. She gasped as the next second he kissed her passionately. Thankfully for her he did not notice Chaerin, allowing her to discreetly run out of there.

"And Aunt Song Hee thinks her son is a religious boy that attends church, is a virgin wallflower that doesn't know what sex means and is allergic to girls. Well done fooling all of them Jiminie", she scoffed before walking towards a railing overlooking the beach.

Removing her vape stick, she put it in her mouth as she took in the flavored substance and releasing a puff.

"You vape?"

She turned to the side to see Jungkook standing there with his packet of cigarettes. He put one in his mouth and lit it before supporting himself on the railing.

"Yeah I do"

"Any reason in particular for starting?"

"I used to smoke cigarettes back in high school. Maybe a year into university as well. The pressure of excelling everywhere and having unrealistic expectations for yourself can be a little maddening. This was my vice. I stopped though eventually. Used vape to get myself off the cigarettes and hopefully will let go of this soon", Chaerin replied. "What about you?"

"Something similar to you", Jungkook replied taking a drag. "Except the pressure was from the family that had unrealistic expectations from me. Also, you don't mind me smoking here right? I mean since you have given it up, you know like the temptation—"

"Oh no its all right. I don't feel it anymore. Its been 2-3 years so..."

"Okay, that's nice. Hopefully I can give it up too. I tried once but it just pulls me back again", he smiled sadly.

Chaerin nodded as she understood what he was talking about. "Party is too loud for you?", the man continued.

"That and the smell of the weed is overbearing. Its become a smokebox inside"

"That's why I left too. To catch a break", he tapped the ash of the stick. Silence fell on the duo again as they stood there away from the bustle of the party. "Uh, also, sorry about the pool thing the other day. I didn't mean to 'not' help you I just—"

"Ah I can understand", Chaerin chuckled. "Don't worry. Taehyung told me. The watch is expensive. I'd die of shock if that $150,000 thing stopped working because of me. Funny tho, this has happened with me before. It was Alison's party two years ago. Some drunk guy threw me in the pool. Alison didn't jump in either because she was wearing like a $300,000 Cartier set. She kept yelling from outside, gave me instructions on how to kick my legs and put my arms in a butterfly position like I could follow her tutorial when I was almost dying. Fortunately Taehyung jumped in and helped", with that she chuckled.

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