28. It is all ruined

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A/N: I feel like I am writing a soap drama here. This is so different than writing mafia books lol. But hope you guys are liking it this far. This one's a little emotionally taxing so I can totally understand why it won't attract attention like the other books do. I had been planning on writing a melodrama for a while which touches on how people deal with loss of love and friendship and glad to see this book materializing well. We still have a bit to go before the book ends so hang in there everyone and have fun reading!

"Si Mok", Chaerin's mother spoke as she looked at her husband. "I am worried about Chaerin. She doesn't eat, doesn't talk to anyone, keeps sleeping the entire day. I don't think she has showered in four days or cleaned herself up. Her room looks like a dumpster at this point and that is so unlike her. I am scared she might be going through a depressive episode. We have to do something"

"I want to take her to a therapist but she won't budge", her father replied in concern. "I even had Jimin talk to her but the boy said she did not respond to him. Just kept blankly staring listening refused to answer him. We have to get her help"

"What went down for them to breakup like this?", her mother sighed. Si Mok put a hand on his wife's hand as he tightly held it. "As a mother I could see through Jungkook's honest feelings very clearly. He loved her and his eyes and actions reflected that. But then suddenly he did not want to be with her?"

"Frankly, we should have known", the man replied. "We failed to see the long term implications of this relationship and ultimately Chae is the one suffering. Look at us and look at his family. The difference in our wealth is jarring. How come one of us didn't question it honey? We have lived long enough to know how brutal the world is and what the harsh reality is. Rich people like to be only with other rich people. Middle class people like us don't get to sit on the same table with them. We were so enamoured in their fairy tale story and to see our daughter happy that we forgot to see the truth. Mr and Mrs Jeon's behavior was enough indication of how they felt about us"

Chaerin's mother couldn't say anything because she knew her husband's words were true. The way the Jeons always gave them a cold shoulder, hardly talked to them and looked down on their work was a good reflection of how they felt. Ultimately they wouldn't have let Jungkook marry someone they didn't approve of.

"Its no point talking to them, we both know they don't care about Chaerin. And you can't persuade people who deal in money, with kindness", Si Mok concluded.

Inside the room Chaerin lay on her bed as she wiped the tear of the cheek for the hundredth time. Everything felt hollow. A numbness had taken over her body and she felt like she had lost control of her physical self. All she wanted to do was to do nothing. Someone as ambitious as her who wanted to be productive every second of the day was suddenly okay with wasting hours being still.

She was suffering physically, emotionally and even in her social and professional life. The company that had offered her a job in Seoul took it back due to her lack of responsiveness in this mess. Her friends who she occasionally hung out with all fell out of contact because she stopped replying to them and eventually they did not care enough to keep inviting her. She was losing weight rapidly, her skin was dull, she threw up on empty stomach and her health was taking a toll.

Yet she couldn't muster up the strength to correct this. There was some sort of an ease in this suffering. She would much rather show the world she was upset and broken than pretend to power through the day and display toxic positivity. She knew the only way to the other side of this hell was through it.

She turned in her bed and her eyes fell on the mirror at the end of the room. Her hair. It had gone all matted and dry. She immediately sat up straight as she ran a hand through them. Unable to move her fingers that got stuck in the knots and frizz, she felt a sense of panic.

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