21. They are in each other's pants

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Colors of black and crimson filled the open field. Hundreds of students wearing robes walked around as some form of announcement ran in the back. Alison Kim walked in her heels towards the place she was supposed to meet Jungkook and Chaerin. A few heads turned as she moved past people. Men that couldn't figure who this beauty was and women who couldn't believe how good that dress looked on this lady.

Alison's cheeks curved up in a big smile as she Chaerin in the distance, trying to memorize her speech while her parents stood beside and consoled the girl who always got nervous every time she had to speak in front of an audience. Even though she slayed it every time. Jungkook stood beside the woman, teasing her and at one point his girlfriend blew off like a Volcano as she asked him to shut up. Alison smiled as she watched all this from a distance.

With quick footsteps she made her way there. Chaerin looked up and her eyes widened as she saw her best friend. "ALIIIII", she screamed and dashed towards her before taking the smaller woman in a bone crushing hug. "YOU CAMEEE"

"Of course I was gonna come you dumb bitch", Alison replied hugging even tighter. "I had to see this sore loser's face", with that she looked at Jungkook and directed her words at him. "I told you, didn't I? Chaerin will give the speech at her graduation and graduate top of the class"

"Yeah whatever", Jungkook laughed and waved his hand. "We all know Chaerin butters the professors and makes her way up all the classes", he pulled a leg.

"HEY!", Chaerin retorted, before slapping his back. "Don't be rude JK or I'll shove the diploma up your ass"

"Hey hey!", her mother yelled. "Language Chae. Also Alison...", with that she grabbed her daughter's best friend. "My favorite child. So nice to see you little one"

"Did my mother just call Alison her favorite child?", Chaerin looked at Jungkook confused. The latter nodded. "This is the happiest I have seen her. I might feel threatened if I were you", he joked.

"Poppsssss", Alison said in a deep voice and moved to her father, the widest smile on her face. "How's my papa bear been?" 

Chaerin's father laughed as he hugged Alison. "Doing well now that he saw Princess Ali. Why don't you visit us often? You know you are our favorite child right? Everytime we hope its you, turns out its you boring best friend"

"HEY PAPA BEAR!", Chaerin yelled. "WATCH IT! Or mama bear's gonna know about the $850 lego set you bought last month"

Both her parents gasped as they heard this. Her dad because he had been exposed and his mom because she couldn't believe her ears. "Did she just say 850?", she looked at her husband. With that they continued their banter as the remaining three grouped to talk.

"Where's your parents Jungkook?", Alison asked. "Not coming?"

"They are. Their flight got delayed so they should be here soon", he answered.

"I am very excited to meet your parents today", Chaerin spoke. "None of the meetings we set have worked out due to their busy schedule so today is finally the day", she turned to Alison as she spoke this.

Jungkook looked uncomfortable hearing this but kept a straight face nevertheless. Alison was taken aback for a second as she furrowed her brows. Jungkook's parents were busy people but they sure had time to go golfing and relax at the beach villa with her own parents and their friend circle of rich people. It was hard to believe they would not take time out to meet the woman their son was dating. Unless.....

Her chain of thoughts was broken as a deep voice spoke. "Hello"

She looked up to see his parents standing there. She knew them and had seen them around a couple of times even though the interaction was always minimal. Especially his mother who seemed to be at the center of all of Seoul's high society parties.

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