27. To protect you and myself

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Alison screamed as she hit Jungkook. "FUCK YOU, YOU BASTARD", she cried, tears rolling down her eyes as she attempted to hit Jungkook. The both of them were currently alone in the space where her parents had been moments ago.

After listening to Jungkook, her father had stomped away in anger knowing very well he could not hit or yell at the man because of how powerful the latter's father was. He walked out of there in a fit and her mother followed trying to calm him down.


"I had no choice", Jungkook replied, looking at his feet. "My father would have ruined her life if I didn't"


At this Jungkook's eyes shot up. He clenched his jaw as he took a step towards her. "So do you want me to be a hero and go against him when he can mess our lives to the point of no return? Do you want Chaerin to lead a life where no company would hire her, she wouldn't be able to pursue her dreams and get forced to live in poverty because my father is a fucking crazy man who would hold that grudge for the entirety of his life and not let go of one opportunity to ruin her?"

"THATS BULLSHIT", Alison cried, tears rolling down her life. "Nothing will hurt her more than losing the man she loved more than herself. You have no idea what you have done to her Jeon Jungkook. You have no idea how much love she had for you. You already ruined her more than what your father could do"

"She will recover from a broken heart but not from being in a relationship with a man who's family destroyed her life. You know her. She has a purpose in life. She wants to achieve great things. She wants to make it big. Do you think I can live with knowing what will happen to her dreams if I stay around? I will bear the guilt and brunt of being the man who did this to her but I will never forgive myself if she lived a hollow life"

Alison could not say anything because Jungkook was in fact right. 25 years of knowing Chaerin had made her aware of her best friend's affinity to success. Her need to constantly prove she was the best. To achieve things that people could only dream of. And Alison also knew she wouldn't be able to digest living an ordinary life where she did not prosper. She would despise Jungkook for doing this to her and no matter how much she convinced herself, her love for him wouldn't be able to compensate for the consequences of being with him.

"And what about this mess you just made", Alison held her head as she looked up. "What will we tell everyone. What the fuck were you thinking telling my parents you are the father of my child?"

"To protect you and myself", Jungkook replied.

"Protect me?", Alison furrowed her brows. "From who?"

"From my family. Jaewon is upto something. I heard him talking to some men about you. Maybe he will get them to threaten you so you abort the child and he can get out of this mess. Even though he pretends to be the big shot that isn't scared of getting someone pregnant, in reality he is shitting himself. He knows my father and uncle would shield him from any consequences but he will still face their anger and wrath. And he is trying to make sure he takes care of you before you can go around staining his name"

"That bastard—", Alison cursed. "Why is your family out to get everyone? You should be ashamed of the people you call your blood. You guys are the scum of the society"

"I have no words to deny that. But that also brings me to the next thing. My uncle. He is very much like my father and if he finds Jaewon got you pregnant, he will do everything in his power to get you to shut up and not ruin his son's perfect image. Do you know how much him and my dad have collectively put in your father's business? He'll go for your family if that means putting an end to this"

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