31. Sometimes its just about nostalgia

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"Areum, why don't you bring Esther", her mother asked as she served the younger a cup of tea.

"She went out with Taehyung", the woman curtly replied. "They had a day planned to visit the park. He picked her up in the morning and I will go pick her up later"

"Does he talk to you?", her mother asked worried. "He cut off all relations with us but at least I thought he would talk to his sister. I have cried my eyes out begging him to come and visit us but its as if he doesn't want to listen. He doesn't care about his mother's emotions or tears"

"He only talks to me if its about Esther. If he wants to take her somewhere or if he is coming to our house to pick her up. Other than that we don't talk"

Her mother sighed. "I feel bad for poor Arin. She came over the other day and was crying a lot. He refuses to come back to our home and she cannot adjust to living in an apartment. I feel bad for her. Her father raised her in a mansion and Taehyung's putting her though misery"

Alison scoffed as she shook her head. "You cannot possibly think she is the victim here. Taehyung made it very clear that he was going to be living by himself. She knew it all before she agreed to the marriage. I don't know why she has a problem now. And its not like his house is small. Its a beautiful apartment that he has worked very hard to buy. He even decorated a room so Arin could stay over there. Its by no means small enough to evoke sympathy for someone"

"For her it is. She grew up in a 10 bedroom house with 5 helpers at her disposal. And now she has to cook and do dishes and stuff. Do you think she can bear that lifestyle?"

"She barely does anything", Alison stated. "Taehyung is the one that does most of the house chores. The only time she has to do something is if he is very tired. Plus if she hates this lifestyle, she can always give him a divorce", Alison shrugged her shoulders. "At least he'd be happy again. Because right now it just seems that she is making him miserable"

"How can you say something like that", her mother angrily whispered. "Don't speak rubbish like that in front of your father. You know he doesn't like that"

"Where is dad anyways? Why do I never see him?", she sighed.

"I barely see him", her mother replied munching on a cookie. "He doesn't come home most days and is in the office. The company is going through a tough time. He looks very stressed. I heard him mentioning this to Jungkook. Did son-in-law not tell you anything?"

Alison was confused as she heard this but kept a straight face. "No he didn't"

"Probably so you wouldn't worry", her mother put a hand on her shoulder.

Or maybe because we don't really talk or are a family like you think we are, Alison thought.

"Anyways", she grabbed her phone as she put it in her bag. "I'll take leave now. I have to go to Woolworks and finish some stuff there and then pick up Esther from the place her and Taehyung are hanging out at", she said referring to the company she ran.


"Uncle Tae"

"Yes sweetie"

"Why do you look sad?"

Taehyung was surprised as he turned to the side where Esther was sitting. She looked at him, looking hurt herself as she held the balloons he had bought for her while she munched on the donuts they got.

"Uncle Tae is not sad", the older replied. "Why do you say so?"

"You look like the sad emoji", she replied curving up her cheeks and dropping her eyes to show him. Taehyung laughed as he saw this. "Kids these days are so smart", he mumbled to himself. "But no, I am not sad, I am just tired"

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