Chapter 41: Uncle

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A/N: Dear readers, I AM LITERALLY BEGGING YOU ALL TO FORGIVE ME. I know its been crazy long since this got uploaded but I have been through a hell of a time the past few months and updating diamond nation was at the least of my priorities. Apologies for ghosting you all like I did, there is no retribution which is enough for my crime. However I am back and will update regularly. Cheers!

Taehyung stood outside the mansion, his palms sweating already. He rubbed them on his pants before walking towards the gates. The security guard bowed slightly as he let him in, familiar with the man who was his boss's brother in law and princess Esther's uncle.

As he made his way in, he stopped at the sight of Jungkook's mother who was heading out somewhere. He bowed to the woman who smiled. "How are your Taehyung?", she asked with sympathy. "I am sorry to hear about the divorce"

"Thank you", the man replied. "It was unavoidable. We were just too different"

"Glad you got out of it", she added, a genuine softness in her voice which surprised Taehyung. "Are you here to meet Esther and Alison?"

The man nodded. "They are having breakfast in the garden. You can just go from here. Thought I'd save you the trouble of doing 10000 steps around the house trying to find them"

Taehyung bowed in gratitude, an awkward half smile on his face as he tried to end the interaction. He did not particularly like Jungkook's mom but he didn't dislike her either. She was a little sassy but a good person nevertheless. He wondered how she stuck around with a man like his father for so long.

"Anyways, I have to be somewhere. Please stay for lunch if you can, I am thinking of cooking a grand spread myself today", the woman warmly invited.

"I'll try Mrs Jeon. Thank you"

Taehyung waited until the woman was sat in the car and the vehicle left the premises - a chivalrous thing his dad had taught him since he was a boy. Once it was out of sight, he made his way towards the garden where he saw Alison sitting and reading a newspaper as Esther played around with a big ball.

"UNCLEEEEE TAEEE", a deafening scream was heard.

Alison almost threw the paper in surprise as she looked at her daughter and the ear drum tearing screech she had just produced. But her eyes fell on Taehyung in the distance and she knew exactly why the little one had done so. Esther loved her uncle a lot, a little too much. And she got very excited at the sight of him.

Taehyung picked up speed as he saw Esther running towards him with her small legs. He picked her up immediately as they made contact, twirling the kid around before holding her in his arms. "How's my honeybun doing?"

"Amazing", came the reply.

"I can see so", he chuckled as he prepped her cheek with kisses. "All this chocolate around your mouth, I know you are having the best sugar rush you could!", he said as he wiped her mouth with his sleeve.

The child giggled back as Taehyung put her down. He made way towards Alison who smiled at the sight of him. "Hi Taehyung. How are you? We haven't talked after you told me about the divorce over the phone. I am glad you came today. "

"I am sorry, I should have visited earlier. I was busy dealing with the pre-court proceedings. Namjoon Hyung's team is representing me. I wanted to settle outside of court - quietly and without any public scrutiny. I don't want anything from her and we naturally are in no position to give our assets to anyone. Namjoon Hyung went to see Arin and give the proposal. Her and her father refused to settle and are challenging us in court with their entire legal power. Now, Hyung is furious. So he flew in his team from London and New York and now for no reason I have 9 lawyers who are working on representing me"

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