32. Cookies, perhaps?

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Jimin parked his car as he walked towards his house. Behind him Jennie did, holding some stuff in her hand as she followed. The cousin duo made their way towards the front door when Jimin suddenly halted. Leaning at the door was someone he did not expect to see.

It took Jennie a second before she realized who it was. Chaerin stood there in a suit, as she smiled at them before sheepishly waving her hand and mumbling a soft "hi guys".

"Chim", Jennie spoke under her breath. "Am I out of my mind and hallucinating or is this really who I think it is?"

Jimin did not say anything as he continued looking. Seconds later, she threw the things in her hand on the ground before running towards the younger. Chaerin smiled as she went in for a hug but Jennie seemed to have other plans. A slap came her way which made Chaerin stop in her tracks as she held her cheek looking at the older cousin in surprise. "What was that for!", she yelled.

"You little piece of shit", Jennie replied holding her by the hair and shaking her violently. "HOW DARE YOU SHOW YOU FACE TO US NOW AFTER GHOSTING US FOR THE LAST SEVEN YEARS. I AM ABOUT TO THROW THESE HANDS AND BITCH YOU CAN CATCH THEM", she yelled at the younger who was yelling for her to let go of the hair. Chaerin yelped in pain as she got beaten up.

Amidst all the screaming and yelling, she saw from the corner of her eyes Jimin turn around as he began walking away. "Jennie..", the woman began. "Jennie stop...", she held her cousins hands as she seriously looked at her. The older noticed something was off with Jimin as the youngest of their trio chased the oldest.

"JIMIN", the woman began. "LISTEN TO ME"

Jimin increased his footsteps as he ran towards his car. But Chaerin caught up with him as she put a hand on his shoulder. "Jimin listen.."

"LET GO", he yelled brushing her hand off. "LET GO", he screamed again. Both women noticed as he was in tears as he looked at her.
"Why did you come back? You shouldn't have. You should have stayed where you were and pretended like we didn't exist. Like you left us all these years ago. Without even thinking once about our feelings. Just leave, we don't need you now"

"Jimin please", the woman pleaded. "I had my reasons"

"NOT ONCE", he continued yelling, tears rolling down his eyes. "Not once did you think you should have told us or talked to us? You did not even leave a message behind. Just vanished as if you had no ties to these place. Jennie cried her eyes out when she came to know. She stopped eating and went into a mild depression. My mom felt so guilty she could not protect her niece and thinks she failed her dead sister. She goes to therapy to deal with it. I—I lost my best friend, the one person I care for the most. You made us feel like we were weren't enough to support you. YOU ARE SELFISH AND YOU ONLY LOOKED OUT FOR YOURSELF", he yelled.

With that he cried more as he hid his face in his arms. Chaerin broke down seeing her cousin like this. She took him in a hug, tears flowing down her cheeks.


"I was depressed", Chaerin spoke as the trio sat on the balcony outside Jimin's room. They dangled their legs off the edge as they sat above the small personal garden that overlooked his room. They had done so for years now despite the fact that they were always scolded by Jimin's mother because it was 'dangerous'. Truth was the fall would probably just result in a broken arm, it was that low.

"I hated the idea of living in a space which had done so much to damage my life. It took away everything from me. My love, my family, my trust, my best friend, my sanity and my peace. I was going mad. Every passing second made me feel trapped. And so on an impulse I left. Packed my bags and caught an L"

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