Chp 3: What did you say?

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Author's note: Hi,I'm back, and foremost school year is done, and I'm currently in summer with ...job :( But anyways I'm not abandoning this you guys!

Chapter 3: What did you say?

I grimaced at them, eyes trained towards my direction as if I was a lab experiment. Punz and Antfrost still held me closed on their side fearing that I would vanish when they blinked.

"Here you go, Purpled"

I turned to Niki and smiled. "Thanks!" She smiled in return, a linger of hesitation and confusion on her eyes. We stared each other in complete silence.

Fuck, It's so awkward.

"How you guys been?" I coughed covering the silence as we awkwardly stared at one another.

"What do you mean? You left Purpled! We should be asking that to you!" Punz exclaimed, eyes looking at me in complete disbelieved.

I groaned, and shrugged my shoulder. "I told you earlier, right? I had enough of this place"

"Stop acting like a child!"

"Me? A child, since when?" I laughed, and shook my head. "Have you forgotten that I'm already twenty?"

Punz and Antfrost stood still.


"Punz, Ant.." I started, eyes held no remorse, I felt nothing to be exact. "It's been three years, you know? I already grew up and I have a life that I'm living for, I'm a doctor, I have a family at that—

"—You of all people should realize that I'm already an adult and you can't point out to me I'm a child"

The others went quiet just watching in the sideline while the two sighed in acceptance and disdain.

"We know that Purp. It's just you haven't talk to us in years! How could be sure you're really alright?" Antz sighed, while Punz nodded. "Especially when we heard that you married Tommy?! That good for nothing selfish brat—"

" What. Did. You. Say?"

Purpled eyes went dark, eyes filled with hatred, and anger. His voice went deeper, and barely restraining himself. He looked at his brother, slowly went to his side.

The temperature of the room went cold and harsh, everyone wanted to calm the other but was too petrified to move.


A heavy thunk was heard, everyone flinched hard, Punz, eyes watered, scared and surprised, the sound was loud and continued to ring beside his ear. He hesitantly went to look at his brother's face, who was looking at him with contempt, one arm stretched out beside his face, he slowly went to look at his brother's outstretched arm, and winced at the broken wall with fist clenching hard.

"You, know.." Purpled started. "I despised people who bad mouth those people who are precious to me especially my husband" He chuckled, dark, with no humor at all. "It's just—I don't know. I'm itching to grab a scalpel to stab people who acts so high yet nothing at all who doesn't know what they are talking about—"

Purpled smiled leaned down almost resting his head to his older brother's shoulder, laughing, then pull out his outstretched arm. "—I'm a doctor after all my priority is the health of the people but the most important above else is my family and I wouldn't mind breaking few rules as doctor, you know?"

He rotate his fist for a bit, few and small debris falling off the broken wall and his hand. "You alright, Punz?" He asked, head tilting to the side as if he didn't broke a wall, didn't scare half the member the Dream SMP.

Punz flinched, too stunned and terrified at what had happened but nevertheless mutely nodded at him. Purpled beamed at that then looked at back with the others.

"You get what I mean right?" He then questioned to the others, who quickly voiced out their agreement towards the question.

"Yup, definitely!"

"Of course!"


Puffy gently smile in approval and understanding.

"Well looks like Theseus finds himself a fighter, heh"

"But I'll still going to pound him for marrying my baby brother!"

"Now, now. We're going to meet your brother in law"

Author's Note:
What you guys think? I estimated when tommy will arrive in the scene most likely 2 chapters away! Don't forget to comment because I really like reading it and give suggestions??

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