Chp 6: Hello, Pup

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Author's Note: Be sure to read the author's note! It's very important especially on the following chapters!

Chapter 6: Hello, Pup

"Y-You're—Uncle Tommy!"

"Hello, Fundy, you got yourself a handful of kids?"

He looked different than before, healthier, and even more there's something about him that truly changed.

"We're not kids!"

"Who the fuck are you?!"

"That's right! Don't speak to us as if you know us!"

"We could take you down!"

I quickly glared at them, earning a shriek of surprised and confusion. "Seriously? Shut up!" Fundy narrowed his eyes at them before looking back at his Uncle that he hasn't seen for the last three years.

The teens were stupefied when the eldest glared at them, Fundy, doesn't usually glared at them only maybe get annoyed but no eyes can tell that he was just trying to mask his love for them but now, they were shocked to see him narrowing their eyes directly at them.

They were confused, and starting to get agitated at the person. Fundy, looked at the stranger as if he was seeing a ghost that he couldn't believed is alive, tears building up on his eyes that makes them even more curious, what's his relationship with him.

The stranger laughed, softly, captivated by the way he laugh it sounded like a gentle little bells ringing, smile beamed brighter than the sun itself.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to offend anyone, innit" They were at awed, swoon at his voice, and his eyes, It's like their Grandpa Phil's eyes but there's something about his eyes that is different, bright blue crystal eyes twinkling in amusement and fondness.

"Fundy? Who is he?" The blaze hybrid asked. Fundy however chose to ignored the others and walked slowly to Tommy. "I-Is that really you, Tommy?"

Tommy nodded and opened his arms while quickly run over to his Uncle, sobbing quietly as he reverted to his twelve years old body, trying to bury more on his chest.

"I-I miss you!" Fundy hiccuped, Tommy easily scooped the younger, shushing him here and there while brushing the back of his head. "Me too, me too"


Purpled excitedly smiled, when his communicator pinged amidst the chatters across the room.

We're here, love, I'll see you soon.

"What you smiling about?" I turned surprisingly at Ranboo, eyes wondering at mine, while the others subtle trying not to eavesdrop. "He said he's here"

"Tommy?!" I nodded at that almost forgetting everyone in the room, others dreading, and some are anticipating.

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