Chp 4: Theo, my dear, sweetheart, please come here soon

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Author's Note: Another chapter for you guys! Yey!

Chapter 4: Theo, my dear, sweetheart, please come here soon.

After with all the fiasco that happened earlier that day, we settled down, and get lunch. While seated Purpled's terrifying act prior the arrival of the SBI Family and the others vanished when he saw the murderous stares that he's receiving from the twin Piglin.

Theo, my dear, sweetheart, please come here soon. Save your dear husband.

Purpled silently prayed, keeping up to smile at the twins in front of him, who kept staring quietly, one silent judgement, narrowed eyes while the other is plain downright murderous, and deadly.

Purpled can feel his cold sweat running down his spine, he looked at the father, who gently, no, wait, not gently. There's not an ounce of gentleness on his face, definitely, smiling but no emotion that can explain that it's gently, his eyes is icy, and unfriendly.

Not only that Tubbo and Ranboo were openly glaring at him while the others were trying not to stare or suffocate from the cold atmosphere that is transpiring right now.

"So, Purpled" Phil started then was immediately cut off by Wilbur when he stood up and started grunting in Piglin. "Wilbur!" Phil shouted, while Technoblade looked at his twin with prideful expression. Purpled winced at that, since he understood Piglin language very well considering that his husband taught him how to.

I can't even begin or explain how explicit Wilbur is sayin in Piglin

He shuddered. "He married my baby brother! My baby brother! How dare you!" Wilbur exclaimed, eyes ferociously staring at me, then continued to grunt more in Piglin.

"Wilbur Soot Minecraft, enough!" Phil ordered, he wasn't shouting but his voice is firm but it was nowhere near tender, Wilbur, flinched in surprised, and sat down, scared. "It's a good thing the children are outside or else " the threat at the end was a promise that even those who aren't directed squirmed. "And even more so, Michael isn't here to hear you grunting those words"

"Sorry, dad" Wilbur mumbled, eyes went down to look at the table in front.

Phil turned back at me, and smiled. "Sorry for that Wilbur's is a bit overprotective, you know?"

I nodded, quietly stared at Wilbur. "I can tell.." I mumbled earning another glare from him.

"Alright!" Puffy and Sam went in from the backdoor. "Enough talking and It's time to eat!"

I felt a huge relief when the two entered the dining area, and the cold atmosphere disperse, the quiet table, turned to chatters silently agreed no one will bring back the topic again.


"G-Guys! You might want to see this!" A cat hybrid shouted, he wore a black and white robe, tails sways back and forth. He was intensely staring at something.

A rustling and chattered of foots can be heard, faint shouts of concerned in the distant, as the sound gets closers, five teens went next to the cat hybrid.

"What the hell is that?!" A sheep hybrid squeak in surprised but with a hint of curiosity laced on her voice, her white flora dress bounced slightly as she move closer to that.

The group of teens moved closer, eyes blinking in curiosity with little hostile towards the animal in front of them. It was in the middle of the forest, no body can be seen but only a pair of eyes stared at them, unwavering.

"What do you think that is?" A creeper hybrid asked, one hand on his chin. The zombie piglin hybrid beside him gasped in surprised. "Hey! Isn't that a phantom?!"

The teens went tense, a fox hybrid no more than twelve changed his appearance into twenty, and quickly went in front pushing the others to move away.

"We need to be careful!" He said, as the creeper hybrid went beside him trying to protect the others as well. "He looked tamed but we still need to be cautious!"

"He may look like that but he's actually a big fluff of softy, Fundy"

The other yelped in surprised while Fundy, the fox hybrid, the eldest among the teens, glared at the newcomer. "Who the fuck are you?!"

The person chuckled, deep yet soothing, it's endearing to listen. He peak out of the trees, and slowly walked towards the group, the others blinked, while Fundy's eyes watered when he saw who it was.

"Y-You're—Uncle Tommy!"

Author's Note:
Unexpected Characters Spotted! Any idea who they are?

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