Chp 8: Meet our son-!

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Author's Note: YESS! We're on the start of the story, finally! This isn't going to end yet but this is just the beginning!

Chapter 8: Meet our son—!

I softly smiled when Purpled held our pup, swaying back, and forth. He knowingly knew that his husband is humming quietly to keep the little rascal asleep.


I turned to look at the others, their action were weirdly different than the last time I saw them.

I smiled at them and waved, masking my shocked when I saw Wilbur being revived.

Technoblade in a room full of ex government people despite being an anarchist who bound to destroy anyone who is part of the government.

When I stand foot still minutes away from the gates of the new L'Manburg. I couldn't imagine the amount of children that is now residing in this SMP.

Furthermore they weren't any ordinary hybrid children, they are the sons, daughters and brother of them.

But I almost breathed out in relief that half fourth of my worries vanished that my child is safe and so does the others.

"You're here" Tubbo says, eyes pooling trying hard not to sobbed.

I opened my arms then quickly he run towards to me, huffed when he collided to me.

"I-I miss you! I miss you!" Tubbo cried, hugging me tight, smiling to his hugging.

"You're so clingy, Tubbo"


I laughed as the others went to my side welcoming to me, some I can feel their small hostility, while others their awkwardness. But I tried not to look into that much further.


"My name is Alice!" the blaze hybrid introduced. "My parents are Momma Quackity, Daddy Sapnap, and Papa Karl!"

"I'm Michelle! Nice to meet you! I'm Papa Puffy and Mommy Niki's daughter, and I'm ten!" The sheep hybrid smiled.

"My name is Junior! Papa is Bad and Dad is Skeppy!" The cat hybrid smiled, waving at them.

"You're Uncle Mimi! Dad and Papa always talks about you!" The piglin zombie hybrid exclaimed, eyes sparkles in wonder. "My name is Michael!"

"I'm Nook, I'm Sam's younger brother" the creeper introduced himself, voice eerily the same as Technoblade's monotone voice.

"Ehh?" Purpled eyes widen, before shushing down the bundle of pup on his arm. "I thought you're Sam and Ponk's son!"

"That's disgusting.." Nook murmured, face turned in blanched at the thought. "I don't want to be seen as their parents"

The others laughed at that while Ponk, and Sam blushed. I looked at the children, seeing them filled with pure innocence on their voices, no worries nor burdens on the shoulder. Even Fundy happily reverted on his age to be a kid that he really is.

"Nice to meet you guys!" Purpled quietly gave me our pup as he continued to introduce to the children.

"My name is Theseus, you can call me Tommy!"

I looked down on the bundle, then cooed, his arms into fist rubbing his eyes letting out a small yawned, he slowly opened his eyes blinking owlishly at mine.

"Is he a baby?"

I turned back at the others who were curiously looking at the pup on my arms.

"He is! Well, you're actually twice his age, he's just turned five" I smiled at the children in front of me, fixated my hold. "Can you be his older brother and sister? It would be really nice, innit"

The children eyes sparkles and nodded in excitement. The pup giggled and kissing his forehead.

"Papa? Where?"

"Hi, baby, somebody wants to meet you"

He blinked, squealing when Purpled kissed his stomach. I held him in front, as he clings on my shirt. The others cooed, and stared at awed, our pup beamed at them, shyly waving, head tilting, curiously.

"Meet our son, Peter!" I told them, bouncing our son on my knee. "His a wolf hybrid"

Author's Note:
What do you think?
I might being reposting my other works since I deleted them and rewrite some of them.
Also might post a new work with the series called "I'm Breaking Tommy Fanfic Stereotype"
It's all about BAMF, SMART, UNDERESTIMATED stories centering Tommy! Cuz I'm tired reading tommy being helpless, killed, hated, replaced, etc. well shit! Ain't going to stand that anymore it will be the ultimate reverse role! The stories don't connect but the theme of tommy being BAMF is the same! Lol Please check my ao3 account for this!

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