Chp 9: Fine? Are you really sure his fine?

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Author's Note: I'm bringing you a lil against in the mix!
canon niki is a lil bitch here in this chapter so be warned.
I'll be honest with you the phase of this chapter is a bit fast so bare with me.

Chapter 9: Fine? Are you really sure his fine?

I pointedly stared at them, blinking, while sheer thrill of laughter, and shouts from outside can be heard. The others stared back mixed emotions can't be determined from their faces.

"You're married?" I stated eyeing Tubbo, and Ranboo.

"We are! Been married a month after—"

Tubbo eyes glowed, before died down then hesitantly, backing down. I nodded in understanding.

"You're alive?"

Wilbur flinched while the others collapsed with chatters, overlapping with another.

"Hey! You shouldn't asked something like that!—"

"—That's quite rude!"

"Seriously! I can't believed you?!—"

They looked at me, some in disbelieved, others with disgusts, and disappointment. If I were younger I would have jumped and shouted back at them, curse, and stomp my way out but it's different now.

Here we go... It hasn't even an hour since I got here.

I leaned back to my chair. "Then could you teach me how to ask someone who died and got revived?"

"What?" Jack asked, as the others quieten down.

"You told me it's rude to ask something like I asked before then tell me what's the proper way to ask that question" I tilt my head to the side, trying to urge them to talk.

"You shouldn't have asked that in the first place!"


"What do you mean why?! Just because—"

"Because of what? I'm quite intrigued to know, especially if dead can be revived"

I raised my brow, one arm on the table, fingers thrumming.

"Anyone would, am I right?"

I gave them a smile, small yet challenging. As they continued to stared at me, weirdly. Puffy, coughed, trying to steer away the recent talk to something else while Sam supporting.

"I can't believed you're married, Tommy!" Puffy squeal, eyes twinkle in happiness. "Congratulations!"

"Thank you, Puffy" She held my arms, like a teenager, hands going up and down in excitement. "Is it a recent a marriage? I distinctly heard you're in your honeymoon phase!"

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