Chp 10: What makes Purpled different?

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Author's Note: I'm back! It's been a month??? I'm not sure but I took a break since I'm really burn out lately and got sick along the way. This is a just a short chapter—

Chapter 10: What makes Purpled different?

There he was changed and grown into someone that I can barely recognized, a different person I grew up with.
I couldn't contain my happiness seeing him back but I faint churn curled in my stomach. He's back yet I knew how wide the gap grew between our relationship. The moment I step in to hug his figure a momentary slapped in the face makes me realized that he wasn't lanky anymore but leaner, gained weight, and muscles.

He towered most people in the room almost rivaling Ranboo's height. I can't even see any ounce of his iconic red and white shirt but now wearing a tight fitted white long sleeves, rolled just below his elbows, two buttoned opened.

I was awed at his eyes, used to be dull and grey, lost hope, full of anger but now full of life, brighter than I remembered. His eyes soften to mine filled with happiness.

My heart ached, hand reaching towards my chests. That's Tommy, right? That's my best friend. My soulmate.  Every inch of my being screamed of this unknown emotion.

It was suffocating.

He continued to talked. It was not the pitch aggressive but more of deep monotone much like Technoblade's yet oh, so, different. It was more charismatic, level headed, lacking the usual heat.

It can't be him. It's not him.

You just can't accept he moved on perfectly without you.

N-No.  I'm happy.

Are you?

My mind sneered, my heart continually ached.

Why am I feeling like this?

"Hi Baby!"

I whimpered seeing him stood up, and walked towards his son, his husband, his family. I stared as his son squealed, Tommy smiled lovingly, affection overflowed on his body.

Purpled glared over our direction, eyes speaking promise threats that will happened later on. But when he met his eyes to Tommy, his eyes soften.


I felt myself squirmed, Purpled, and Tommy's head bumping, eyes closed as if Purpled is his safe place, seeing how tender this makes me want to divert my eyes from such action.

I hardly experience this kind of Tommy, being openly pliant, and soft. Before he uses curses as his form of affection, hated being touched, and even utter words of endearment.

I can hear whispers but barely comprehend them. "It's unfair..." I heard Wilbur from beside me gasped, side glancing at him seeing that I am not the only one who is being affected by this act we are seeing.

A foreign action.

A foreign ached still swimming in my body.

"I never once see him like this when he was with me" I started. "What makes Purpled different?"

Nobody dared to answer because they knew they don't have the answer. As the happy family continued to ignore us seemingly forgotten where they are. We just stared.

It was unfair.

Truly unfair.

"He looks so happy.."

Why wasn't I there?

Where am I when he started to changed this much?

What was I doing?

Am I still part of your life, Tommy?

Author's Note: — and I know I promise last chapter than I'm doing Purpled ranting out Niki, I'll do that in the next chapter :) I'll prolly going to call this duo golden duo.

To be honest for Wattpad Readers! I thought you all going to flop this story I was so close deleting it here then just continue writing in ao3 but then out of nowhere numerous readers suddenly reading this, commenting, and even voted this!
Thank you very much! Hehe :)

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