Chp 12: Should we call you, Mumcle?

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Author's Note: Let's stop the against for now! And see the surprising relationship Tommy has with his new nephews and nieces. Wait for the surprise at the end.

Chapter 12: Should we call you, Mumcle?   
I'm not too worried about Peter going feral but I am afraid that you. Try not to  kill them with your words, Love. See you later.

I was left unseen praying as well that Purpled won't seriously go feral on them. The last time he did went feral, It took two sleeping potions, and four hybrids to contain him, and maybe few chains along with it.


I chirped softly easing my son's distressed as he continued to whine pitiful on my arm, droplets of tears as he chew on my shoulder blade. I rubbed his back trying to calm him down.

"Baby, everything's going to be okay...." I cooed, bouncing him on my arms as we walked towards the exit of L'Manburg. "Calm down, calm down. Let's go to Pace, alright? I know the others are already there to meet us"

He nodded, still chewing on my clothes as if he was teething, wincing when his baby fangs graze lightly on my skin. I tried to pry him off only to receive a small growl.

Why does he act so stubbornly alike to Purpled?

Is this a punishment for acting like one when I was young?

This is definitely like karma. Two peas in a pod.

Peter's tails sway back and forth as cute as it can be, It puffed signifying he was upset. While walking towards to the exit gate onto the deeper part of the forest.

I can't helped but stare at how much this SMP changed, everything was unusual, out of place but at the same time familiar like a nostalgic dream coming true. There was no broken land nor building, no cracks nor destroyed places.

"Uncle Tommy!"

It was as if the war that took place three years ago didn't happened. It was like a bad nightmare, a soft smiled makes way on my face, just like the first time I arrived.

Peaceful, and Beautiful.

"Uncle Tommy! Stop ignoring me!"

I turned and stared not surprised to see all children gathering hovering behind Fundy who was pouting at me while the others were a bit hesitant still a little bit shy, perhaps. I smiled at them beckoning to come adjusting my hold on my son as they quickly run towards us.

"Hello, what are you guys doing?" I asked.

"Nothing much.."  Junior replied, curiously looking at Peter. "What's wrong with Baby Peter?"

"Is he okay, Uncle Tommy?" Fundy changed into his adult form eyeing his cousin down to his eye level, who cutely blinked in surprised before hiding on my neck. "Hi Peter, he wasn't like these before"

"He's being anxious that's all" I replied. "Especially the sudden change of environment with no sight of his pack mates"

The children nodded in understanding, knowing the feeling of being left and away from the member of the pack makes them feel uneasy and unsafe.

"Wait, pack mates?" The zombie piglin asked. "Does that mean you aren't his only pack members?"

Their eyes widen, I laughed mentally at their faces so similar at one another being known that these kids grew up together having to see identical expressions and habits.

"Do you have another child or even more?!" Fundy exclaimed.

"Are we having another cousin?!" Alice squealed in delight, grabbing Michelle's arms as the two girls jumped in happiness while Sammy shown a displeased expression. "Great, another more beings will arrived" He lazily sighed. "Sometimes, wait, no, I really want to be born as a rock"

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