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I know some of you are wondering what the heck is going on with this author, what kind of drama you doing right now? Or just update the story stop getting our hopes up! I know, I know bare with me. This will be the last after the character's profile that will be uploaded on the same day as well.

So, Aria? What's with this season 2 whole thing???
Supposedly I was thinking of ending the story BUTTTTT WAIT HOLD ON. Don't just react yet.
If you're familiar with ao3, there's a function there when you can create a series:

By definition:

A series is a set of works that a creator has decided to group together, usually because they form a sequence or share a common universe. When works are posted as a series, they can be navigated in sequence using links that appear in each work. All works in a series are also listed on that series' index page. The index page can be accessed via a link on each individual work page or the "Series" link on the creator's dashboard.

A series is different from a collection. A series belongs solely to a single creator or designated set of co-creators, whereas anyone can submit work to a collection. In addition, the works in a collection have no specific order, while the works in a series have an order determined by the creator.

I was supposed going to do that but then I realized number one I'm too lazy and number two I worry for readers in Wattpad. So probably I'm just uploading it here in one book or whatever.

Lastly, I wanted to improve and change how I write cuz really I was kind of mehhh with my whole writing style as of lately. Yeah! I'm happy to see season 2 is going to be more chaotic, against, and fucking hell guys somebody commented on ao3 where is dream HAHHAHAH I FORGOT WTF anyhow i'm working on it. I PROMISE. DREAM I SWEAR UR GONNA BE THERE BUT UNTIL THEN UR HOMELESS TELETUBBY ROAMING SOMEWHERE IN THE SMP

Season 1 : Intro to Theseus & Grayson Purpled Mincraft Family
Season 2 : —

I don't want to spoil if you have any idea comment down!
Also I'll be uploading another goldenduo content, wait for that! And i'll be uploading my other works here in wattpad. Fucking finally.

Until then wait for S2 Chp 1 on Sunday. :>

Move On. Be Happy. [ DISCONTINUED ]Where stories live. Discover now