Chp 11: I'm trying but I want to rip them

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Authors Note:
IDK But I feel like to add a trigger warning to this chapter. It's mostly dialogue.
It was so hard to write this but let's do this!

Chapter 11: I'm trying but I want to rip them

I can feel his small trembles and tremors underneath my arm trying hard not to breakdown from his agitation and anger. In vexed my fixation to stab someone with my scalpel is as close as it get. I kept my head level headed, trying hard not to lashed out in front of them.

I let out an stressed exhaled barely can be heard but my husband gave me a side glance pinching my side. "Stop..." I grunted at him in Piglin.

Calm down, I'm fine. Don't lose control.

He gave me a pointed stare.

I'm trying but I want to rip them.

I shrugged at him.

Not when our pup nor the kids can see

I beamed at him not long before someone coughed trying to gain our attention. I groaned staring at Technoblade alongside the others with a surprised expression.

"You know how to speak in Piglin?" The blade pointed, eyes narrowing to stare at me. "Tommy taught me a while back" I replied.

"For what reason you needed to learn such language?" Quackity asked.

"I don't need a reason to learn, right?" I smiled. "Besides even if there is it would be because I wanted to know my husband better and It's also helpful in some cases"

"Such as?"

"Such as traveling, and interacting with hybrids while working" I grabbed Peter as he continued to fight me and growl me down.

"Dada! No! Papa, help!"

"Why won't you let me hold you, Pete" I whined, trying to kiss his cheeks only to receive him growling at me with his baby fangs.

Ohh Isn't that adorable! My Little Petey Petes and his baby fangs.

"Dada feels neglected, y'know?"

"No! Want Papa!" Peter continued to thrash against my arm, small tears started to pool on his eyes. "Hey, hey, baby, you'll hurt yourself"

I sighed defeatedly giving him back to Tommy, who looked at me apologetic.

"He must be feeling overwhelmed about the sudden change of environment" Tommy hushed Peter, swaying him back and forth. "What did you do outside with the others?"

"The kids just played and nothing seems to agitate our pup" I said, patting his head as our pup continued to whine pitifully. Tommy bounced him for a bit, the pup continued thrash slowly letting out a whine of distressed. "He probably missing the pack, the others. I should go to Pace, and call them"

"You need help?" I asked. Tommy shook his head in response. "No need, Love. It's alright will be back soon."

"Okay, love you, be safe" I kissed his cheeks, and our pup forehead. Before he took off outside he looked over my shoulder, slightly tilting his head towards the others.

"I'll be cutting our meeting short" Tommy called out. "I need to calm Peter or else he'll go feral, god, knows, how awful is that to experience. I'll see you guys soon"

I bid him goodbye watching as he slowly disappeared in the woods walking towards Pace.

I'm not too worried about Peter going feral but I am afraid that you will. Try not to kill them with your words, Love. See you later.

I looked at the pinged on my phone, and mentally smiled. I turned back to the others narrowing my eyes on one particular person... or girl.

"Repeat everything you said to my husband" I slowly marched my ways to Niki, who flinched underneath my gaze. "What right do you have to judge my husband!"

"I need you to calm down, Purpled" Jack tried to grab my arm as the others discreetly try not to pry. "Calm down? Calm down?! How can I fucking calm down when this shit kept edging my fucking husband!"

Niki let out a snort. "I was just concern to your child! I was just asking and it's not wrong, right?!"

"I really want to fucking stab you, you know" I laughed dark and low, the others gasped.

"H-Hey! Niki's a girl!"

"So?" I tilt my head towards them. "So, what if she was? I thought we're promoting equality here? What she can edge my husband fucking judged him despite knowing nothing?"

I punched the wall earning another hole in the poor wall. " He doesn't even want to go back here. I had to forced him because I believed this forsaken place changed! The people is different than before! Half of you have kids! Is this how you're teaching them?! God, you're fucking disgusting"


"Isn't that over the line?!"

"You can't say that to us!"

"What? You're hurt? Didn't one of you said that to my husband?" I growled, narrowing each of them. "It's the same but I worded them differently, the audacity for you tell me that I'm over the line when this shit disrespected not only my husband, my whole family!"

"I-I wasn't disrespecting—!" Niki stuttered, fear evident on her eyes. "Then what? You're concerned for the safety of our child?!"

"Y-Yes!" Niki cried. "We know that Tommy isn't capable of taking care of a child when his nothing but—!!" The sudden slap surrounds resonate the place, Puffy's hand on the air, face flushed in anger, and disbelieved. Niki looked at her wife, shocked.


"I can't believed I'm hearing you saying that, Niki!" Puffy exclaimed. "Are you hearing yourself?! I've been trying so hard to ignore what you've been saying earlier but I can't take it anymore! What if our daughter hear you say that?!"

I can see tears welling up from Niki's face, as she held her face where she got slapped. I inhaled slowly, hands slowly rubbed my face. "It's been three years, guys. I brought my whole family because I trusted this place changed that we're moving on from all the tragedy that had happened. Tommy doesn't even want to go back but I told him you're his family and I would want him to be okay with you to heal the relationship that was once broken"

I sighed. "But if you continue to act this way. I'm sorry but I'm bringing my family home" I walked to the door before letting another exhale, tired and exhausted. "Move on, be happy. If you can't...just think of the children who'll be part of the crossfire of their parent's past"

Author's Note:
What do you guys think? I need harsh criticism right now.
I'm so deprived from one specific fanfic right now huhu i'm not rushing the author because I know his dealing with something right now... hope his okay. Btw go support it! It's called Tommyinnit; the three ends and two beginnings by 47bats

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