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    Later that morning Guy loaded the farm cart with some of the food remaining from the celebrations, (after Auriel and Richildis had each taken a portion of it for their own use), and took it to the Priory, where it would be distributed to the poor and needy. On the way he was greeted by many of his neighbours, who thanked him for his hospitality of the previous day, congratulating him on his surprise nuptials.

    There was teasing by some of the men, but the women chided them, saying that perhaps a little romance would not go amiss within their own marriage. Guy merely smiled, saying that it had been the best day of his life, and that he was fortunate indeed to love a woman who could still surprise him, and at that, the women blushed and the men looked a little discomfited.

    He arrived at the Priory, where two brothers came out to help him unload the cart, eyeing the pies and pasties, and Guy thought that perhaps some of the "bounty" would never reach those for whom it was intended, but he did not begrudge it them, as he knew the brothers lived an austere life, and were ill fed, though the Prior, from his appearance, obviously enjoyed a more self indulgent lifestyle.

    He proceeded into Llanlivet where he had other farm business, and then he had a fancy to visit the Kings Head for a tankard of ale, and maybe some bread and cold beef. Evans, the landlord, congratulated him on his recent marriage, first raising a glass with him, and then pointing out a well dressed woman and young boy, who were sitting in a corner talking with the landlord's daughter, who had brought their refreshments to the table.

    "Between you and me and the church gate Sir, that Lady yonder has been making enquiries about your family and their whereabouts. I have warned the girl not to be indiscreet, and of course, because of our acquaintance, I have said nothing."

    Guy was thoughtful for a while, and then he thanked the landlord for his discretion, saying, "I will sit close by to her, bring my bread and meat to me there if you will."

    The landlord nodded his head and Guy made his way to a small table adjacent to the woman and the boy, eating hungrily when the landlord brought his food. The woman fussed a little, chiding the boy gently when he dropped a spoon to the floor, and Guy leaned down to pick it up, saying to the women, "He is a fine boy, I have a son and daughter, twins, though not of the same age."

    The woman looked at him, as if to assess any risk to her person and then asked, "Are you local to the district Sir?"

    Guy said that he was, asking, "Why do you enquire Lady"

    She answered, saying, "My name is Gwyneth, and I seek an old friend Sir, I knew her mother, and would renew our acquaintance. I have been told she lives in the area, and I would introduce her to my grandson Mordred."

    At this the boy stood and bowed his head to Guy, saying, "It is an honour Sir," then he shook Guy's hand.

    Guy was so taken aback by this that he said, "Well, your grandson is a credit to you Lady, my own son could perhaps take a lesson from him as he is somewhat unruly, despite my wife's best efforts. Please allow me to introduce myself."

    He stood up then, bowing to the woman, saying, "My name is Gisborne and I am at your service. What is the name of this friend you seek?"

    The woman looked hard at him before saying, "I knew her as the Lady Auriel, but she may be living under another name now. I was acquainted with her family in Camelot, prior to the great cleansing by Uther Pendragon, perhaps you have heard tell of it?"

    Guy knew then that he must tread carefully, as this was a woman of Magic, but thought to himself that if she was speaking true, his wife would surely confirm it, so he said, "I believe my wife is the woman you seek, and I must tell you that I know everything of her past life. She is the world to me, and I would die before I saw her harmed!"

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